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Typology and Linguistic Diversity - Master's (120 credits) course

This course constitutes the fourth semester of the master’s programme in language science with a specialisation in typology and linguistic diversity. During the course, you work on your individual thesis project.

The independent project is a preparation for the research at the third cycle level and gives the student in-depth knowledge and skills in terms of planning, implementing and presenting an independent and well-defined research project in the student’s main field of study.

Primarily, the focus is on working on the individual project, but the course also includes joint seminars. The specific project is selected and formulated in consultation with the teacher and / or supervisor with special expertise in the student’s main field of study. The project should be built on relevant research methods and theory, have a satisfactory academic standard, and be completed with the knowledge and consideration of existing research ethics.

  • Course structure

    Teaching format

    Seminars and individual tuition.


    The course is examined through

    • a written PM in which the topic of the thesis is specified
    • a thesis in which the student's completed research task is reported
    • defense of own thesis
    • opposition to another student's thesis
    • participation in the seminar discussions.


    Marcin  Wlodarczak (examiner and coordinating teacher VT24)

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