Stockholm university
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Risk Assessment and Regulation of Chemicals

This course delves into the intricacies of chemical assessment, presenting fundamental terms and concepts while clarifying the general approach to mitigating risks associated with chemical exposure.

Risk assessment and management

Comprehensive evaluation and management of chemicals necessitate an understanding of toxicity, environmental characteristics, substance exposure, and the scientific principles influencing decision-making. 

Key topics covered include:

  • Identifying characteristics that classify a chemical as "hazardous."
  • Distinguishing between hazard and risk.
  • Determining the requisite data for evaluating the hazard and risk of a chemical.
  • Locating information about a chemical's hazards and risks.
  • Exploring the management of chemicals at national, regional, and global levels.

The course provides an overview of the regulatory systems in the EU and globally (e.g. REACH, CLP, Stockholm Convention, Plant Protection Product Regulation, Biocide Regulation, and Water Framework Directive), aiming to familiarize students with the regulatory landscape and give an understanding of key stakeholders. The course introduces the processes involved in chemical risk assessment: hazard assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. Throughout, there is an emphasis on the types of data and methods employed in chemical assessment and how these data and methods are scrutinized and weighted in the assessment process.

Employing a mix of teaching methods, including lectures and seminars, the course employs real-life examples to elucidate the complexities of chemical regulation. The individual project, where students critically analyse an assessment, offers hands-on experience to reinforce their understanding. Past case studies encompassed restriction assessments from the REACH regulation, CLP classifications, and PBT assessments from the Stockholm Convention. Students are tasked with examining the outcome and basis of assessments, the resulting regulatory actions, and comparing these with assessments performed by other expert groups. 

Feedback from previous students underscores the success of the course:

  • “We learned, we laughed, and we felt comfortable to ask questions and discuss.”
  • “I liked everything, especially the seminars.” 
  • “Amazing usage of different teaching methods, super motivating and encouraging and supportive.” 
  • “An incredibly supportive and helpful learning atmosphere was there during the whole course to the benefit of all!”
  • ”Real-world application projects.”