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Media, Justice and Human Rights

The course examines media roles in relation to justice and human rights, including communication rights, and embraces on a wider scale the challenges and opportunities that globalization and digitalization make in the context.

The close ties between the media, justice and human rights are established and used as a basis for further discussions on responsibility and solidarity, especially those linked to crisis situations, and how this affects media in its different forms: the media as witnesses, the media as an arena for other witnesses, media reporting on human rights and justice, media reporting as a way to uphold human rights and/or justice/injustice, and so on.

The focus is on areas such as climate change, migration, war and minorities, and reflects on how we relate to the "other", for example by using perspectives from cosmopolitanism theories. The cases studied spans many geographic areas and reaches across many different forms of media and media platforms (eg analog, digital, news, video games).

  • Course structure

    Having completed the course you have demonstrated an ability to
     - use and critically assess theories of media, justice and human rights; this in relation to different parts of the world, different groups of people and different topics raised during the course.
     - independently relate different perspectives on media, justice and human rights to each other and be able to apply them on various media contexts
    - critically reflect on the importance of globalization and digitalisation regarding media, justice and human rights.

    Teaching format

    Tuition takes place in the form of lectures, seminars and workshops.

    Attendance and active participation at seminars and workshops are obligatory. Tuition is in English.

    Part of Master's Programme

    This course is also an elective part of the Master's Programme in Global Media Studies.


    The course is examined through a home examination.



  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.
  • More information

    Change in Course Code

    This course previously had the course code MK7036 and can not be used together in a degree.

  • Contact

    General information

    Student Counsellor