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Master's Programme in Landscape Ecology

Landscape patterns and land use change are important components for understanding ecological processes affecting biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services.

Information for admitted students autumn 2024

Congratulations! You have been admitted at Stockholm University and we hope that you will enjoy your studies with us.

In order to ensure that your studies begin as smoothly as possible we have compiled a short checklist for the beginning of the semester.

Follow the instructions on whether you have to reply to your offer or not.


Checklist for admitted students

  1. Activate your university account

    The first step in being able to register and gain access to all the university's IT services.

  2. Register at your department

    Registration can be done in different ways. Read the instructions from your department below.

  3. Read all the information on this page

    Here you will find what you need to know before your course or programme starts.


Your seat may be withdrawn if you do not register according to the instructions provided by your department.

Welcome activities

Stockholm University organises a series of welcome activities that stretch over a few weeks at the beginning of each semester. The programme is voluntary (attendance is optional) and includes Arrival Service at the airport and an Orientation Day, see more details about these events below.
Your department may also organise activities for welcoming international students. More information will be provided by your specific department. 

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Landscape changes caused by human activity are often the result of political and economic drivers. A landscape focus has been highlighted as an important factor, in order to achieve many of today's environmental goals.

Our education program builds on our research strengths in applied historical ecology, landscape analysis and resource management, linking community ecology with restoration and management of terrestrial environments.

This two-year Master’s program is for students that want to understand and explore the link between ecological processes, landscape patterns and human interactions. The program welcomes students with a multidisciplinary interest of ecology at broader spatial and temporal scales. It can provide an extended platform for topics such as habitat monitoring, conservation and restoration of biodiversity, ecosystem services and management of landscapes and associated resources.

  • Programme overview

    The number of optional courses taken will be dependent on the period of time devoted to the Degree project, which may extend over one or two terms. The compulsory courses in the program are both theoretical and practical, such as experimental design, data collection through field inventories and remote sensing, analyses and management of spatial data using geographic information systems (GIS). The optional courses in the program can include several different subjects so that the student acquires sufficient knowledge to complete the program with a thesis on landscape ecology.

    Year 1

    Autumn term

    Landscape Ecology – Theory and Design, 15 credits (GE7081)

    Applied Remote Sensing, and GIS for Landscape Analysis, 15 credits (GE7088)

    Spring term

    Optional courses, 15 credits

    Applied Aerial Photographic Techniques for Landscape analysis, 7.5 credits (GE7082)

    Project in Landscape Ecology, 7.5 credits (GE8030)

    Year 2

    The number of optional courses taken will be dependent on the period of time devoted to the Master thesis 30, 45 or 60 credits, which may extend over one or two terms: Degree Project in Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology 30/45/60 credits. (GE9009)

  • How to apply

    All applications must be sent through

    Required supporting documentation

    In addition to the documents required by, the following documents must accompany all applications to this master’s programme:

    1. Personal letter/Letter of interest (maximum one page). Please indicate how you fulfill the specific requirements for the programme in the letter.
      Further information: Frequently asked questions about admissions.
    2. CV
    3. Brief summary of the grading system of your university (if other than ECTS).

    If you are still studying for your Bachelor degree when making the admission application then please write in the personal letter which courses and credits are yet to be completed

  • Meet us

    Meet our teachers

    Our researchers. Your teachers.

    Education and research are closely linked at Stockholm University. As a student, you will have direct contact with leading researchers in your field and access to the most recent scientific findings.

    Questions and Answers
    Meet Jessica Lindgren and Adam Kimberley, Programme responsible 

    Gain hands-on experience of real ecological science

    Who should apply to this programme?  
    Nature enthusiasts who are curious about ecological connections and broad-scale patterns in natural and human-modified landscapes. What species exist and where are they found? How might we use this knowledge to improve nature conservation? Students who want to learn the process of asking a research question and using the correct methods and analyses, to drawing  conclusions when investigating ecological processes at the landscape scale.  

    What is specific for this programme? 
    The programme combines theory and practical elements (technical, field and project work) and has a research-based teaching on biodiversity and processes at landscape level. The chance to carry out real research projects independently and in small groups as part of learning how to carry out landscape ecology in practice. 

    Is there an opportunity for studies abroad and internships? 
    There is an option to do an internship as part of the programme. Studies abroad can be arranged under various programmes such as ERASMUS+ and CIVIS. 

    How do you think the students should consider when choosing optional courses within the programme? 
    Elective courses provide an opportunity to direct your education towards what you are particularly interested in. This can cover a broad range of topics to either gain a deeper insight into the theory behind a specific research area, or to develop specific research skills, such as reading statistical courses which can facilitate both the degree project and future work. 

    What skills do students acquire after graduation? 
    After the education, you will be able to identify landscape scale ecological relationships and understand them in the context of current ecological theory and existing studies. You will also gain experience designing and carrying out research projects, and analyzing and interpreting the results. You will also have chance to develop your statistical and scientific writing skills. This provides a strong foundation for continuing in research or conservation

    What kind of jobs do the students usually get after their studies? 
    After the studies, landscape ecologists often work in community planning or nature conservation, e.g. at the county administrative board, are conservation consultants and as doctoral students to become researchers. 

    What is the hardest part of the education? 
    Some students find statistics difficult. During this training, we teach some basics and provide an opportunity to gain experience in applying statistical analyses at the landscape level. 

    What is most fun with this education? 
    The ability to gain hands-on experience of real ecological science in a guided setting. To understand how species move in the landscape and gain a greater understanding of the ecological dynamics in the landscape, both in time and space.  

    What do you want students in the future to tell us about the time they had at the department? 
    We want students to feel that they have acquired useful skills and knowledge from the most current research, to take with them into their future careers. 

    How is it to teach on this programme?
    Having the opportunity to teach the most fun we know is a fantastic privilege! The meeting between researchers and interested students is stimulating in both directions. It is possible to look at landscapes from many different perspectives as well, which is part of what makes the discussion interesting. 

    What do you do when you're not researching/teaching? 
    I spend a lot of time in nature! Playing football! 

    What is your research subject? 
    Landscape ecological correlations for the species richness and function of plants in small habitats and how this responds to changes over time. 

    What education did you choose and why?  
    We are two programme coordinators for the Master's Programme in Landscape Ecology.

    Jessica: I have studied biology-Earth sciences and received a master's degree at Stockholm University. I'm interested in understanding why the landscape looks and is used the way it does today. How the landscape has been shaped, was used historically and how it affects the distribution of species today. 

    Adam: I've studied biology at the University of Nottingham and chose to focus on ecology because I like working with large-scale systems in the real world and trying to find patterns within the complexity and variety that exists.

    Your best tip for an aspiring student? 
    Spend time on the studies! Have fun and build your network for future projects already at the university. We have a lot of people working on different things, so being at the department is a great chance to experience a range of different topics, perspectives and even attitudes towards science and learn what you like the most. 

  • Contact

    We are several persons working with study administration and study counselling. Please contact the Student office for questions concerning course information, registration, schedule, literature lists and exams. If you have questions concerning credit transfer, admission, eligibility or need study advice please contact the Study counsellor.

    Program responsible
    Jessica Lindgren

    Study counsellor, student office and other contacts