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Master's programme in geochemistry

Master programme at stockholm university, department of geological sciences. A geochemist uses chemical concepts and analytical chemistry to understand the environment based on instrumental analysis of air, water, soil, sediments, and rocks.

Information for admitted students autumn 2024

Congratulations! You have been admitted at Stockholm University and we hope that you will enjoy your studies with us.

In order to ensure that your studies begin as smoothly as possible we have compiled a short checklist for the beginning of the semester.

Follow the instructions on whether you have to reply to your offer or not.


Checklist for admitted students

  1. Activate your university account

    The first step in being able to register and gain access to all the university's IT services.

  2. Register at your department

    Registration can be done in different ways. Read the instructions from your department below.

  3. Read all the information on this page

    Here you will find what you need to know before your course or programme starts.


Your seat may be withdrawn if you do not register according to the instructions provided by your department.

Information from the department - programmes


A welcome letter will be sent to the e-mail address you have specified in your application and there you will find all the information you need for your studies during the coming semester. If you have not received the welcome letter, first check the spam folder, if you are sure that you have not received it, then contact us at

Yes or No, you need to answer at

NOTE! You log into Ladok to register online with the options "eduID" or "". Please note that you cannot log in with the option "Log in via your university".

Are you a new student? Welcome to IGV. You can find usefull information at New student.

Registration before each semester is mandatory and is done via

In order to register, your student account must be activated. You can register yourself using your university account. Registration generally opens two weeks before the start of the course and you must have registered no later than one week after the start of the course. If you have problems with registration, contact our student office.

Can't register? Contact

To register you have to activate your student account.

Reserve admission

If you have been placed on a waiting list, you will be contacted by e-mail one to two weeks before the course begins. It is sent to the address you entered on For Research traineeship courses, traineeship courses and degree project, see more information above.

Conditionally admitted

If you are conditionally admitted, you must be able to show that you are eligible for admission no later than course start to claim your place in the course. Please contact

Research traineeship courses, traineeship courses and degree project

To be accepted for a research traineeship courses, traineeshipp course and degree projects you need to contact the department. See contact information on each course page. You and a supervisor together write a project plan that is sent to Elisabeth Däcker,


Stockholm University provides special pedagogical support to students with documented long-term disabilities. You should apply as soon as possible after you have been accepted in order to receive the best possible support. Once you have your Nais certificate, contact Elisabeth Däcker,

Apply for support

Learning platform

After registration, you'll get access to the learning platform Athena, where each course has its own page where you will find important information and course material. It is important that you have access to Ladok and Athena at the latest at the start of the course.
Not all courses use Athena, read the information you receive from the course teacher.


Reserve admission

If you have been placed on a waiting list, you will be contacted by e-mail one to two weeks before the course begins. It is sent to the address you entered on For Research traineeship courses, traineeship courses and degree project, see more information above.

Decline your admission

It's important that you decline your place as soon as you know you will not be taking that course or programme as this makes the place available to applicants on the waiting list. In that case, you should decline your offer on your pages on

Declining you admission later than three weeks after the course it will be account as an interruption. If you have an interruption in the course, you will not be able to apply for it again.

Decline you admission on

Can I apply for deferral? I have been admitted but want to postpone my studies

If there are extenuating circumstances you may apply for a deferral of the commencement of your studies.

Application for deferral

Find more information about your studies at IGV

Education pages

Welcome activities

Stockholm University organises a series of welcome activities that stretch over a few weeks at the beginning of each semester. The programme is voluntary (attendance is optional) and includes Arrival Service at the airport and an Orientation Day, see more details about these events below.
Your department may also organise activities for welcoming international students. More information will be provided by your specific department. 

Find your way on campus

Stockholm University's main campus is in the Frescati area, north of the city centre. While most of our departments and offices are located here, there are also campus areas in other parts of the city.

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New in Sweden

Geochemical Field Sampling, Analysis, and Data Evaluation
Sediment coring at a submarine groundwater seepage site of the Norwegian coast in 600 water depth with a remotely operated vehicle. Photo credit: Wei-Li Hong

Geochemical analysis of rocks and ores play a central role in raw material extraction for the exploitation of critical metals needed in the green energy transition for the use and storage of renewable energy and in climate science research. Geochemical analysis of groundwater, lakes, rivers, and the sea is critical in environmental management to assure good water quality and the preservation of critical ecosystem functions.

This program aims at students that want to obtain practical and interpretive geochemical skills that are broadly needed in the public administrative and private consulting sector and in geoscientific research. The set of courses within the program will deepen geoscientific instrumental analytical competence of organic and inorganic natural components and isotopes. The program will also develop practical and theoretical knowledge on analytical developments and challenges in the field of geochemistry. Geochemical modelling will be taught to handle naturally occurring reaction-transport scenarios such as subsurface water transport, biogeochemical reaction networks, catchment-scale geochemical mass balance for elements and their isotopes.

This program is for students with a candidate or bachelor degree in either geosciences, environmental, or marine sciences with an interest in quantitative data analysis using field and laboratory chemical instrumentation and/or data modelling. Your studies will involve a series of practical and theoretical courses offering you extensive field and laboratory components to provide you hands-on experience providing with the technical and theoretical skills required of a modern geochemist. A master thesis of will give you the opportunity to further pursue a research question further. The program involves both land- and sea-based studies taking advantage of the infrastructure of the marine laboratory of Stockholm University.

  • Programme overview

    The Department of Geological Sciences offers a Master’s degree in geochemistry that comprises two years of study. The Master’s programme includes 45 credit points of compulsory courses and an independent project that comprises 30, 45, or 60 credit points, 30 credits of optional courses, and depending on the credits for the independent project, elective courses comprising 15 credit points. The compulsory courses are Geochemical Field Sampling, Analysis and Data Evaluation, Isotope Geochemistry, Geochemical Modelling, Marine Geochemistry, Biogeochemistry or Organic Geochemistry, and Applied Environmental Geochemistry.

    The programme offers a set of additional elective courses in Geomicrobiology and Minerals, Ocean and Climate Dynamics over Geological Timescales, Palaeoclimatology, Geodynamics, Ore Geology, Geological Mapping, Terrestrial Geophysics, Palaeontology, that can be taken in the first or second year. We also offer the distance course (15 hp) Climate Change Through Earth's History.

    A total of 30 optional credit points can be obtained through reading courses given by other programmes, by other departments at Stockholm University, by other universities in Sweden, or abroad.

    Please contact us for more information and for advice on the choice of courses in Sweden and abroad. We are happy to help you find the most appropriate courses at other institutions or universities. Optional courses are chosen together with the study director of the Master’s programme.


    Year 1

    Compulsory courses 45 credits:
    Geochemical Field Sampling, Analysis, and Data Evaluation* (7.5 credits) Autumn term
    Isotope Geochemistry*  (7.5 credits) Autumn term
    Geochemical Modelling*  (7.5 credit) Autumn term
    Marine Geochemistry*  (7.5 credits) Autumn term
    Biogeochemistry*  (7.5 credits) Spring term
    Geomicrobiology and minerals* (7.5 credits) Spring term
    Applied Environmental Geochemistry*  (7.5 credits) Spring term

    *Compulsory courses

    There is room for elective courses or traineeship in geological sciences of 15 credit points depending on the credit points for the independent project.

    Elective courses comprise 30 credit at the maximum.


    Year 2

    Geochemistry independent project 30, 45 or 60 credits*

    **There is room for elective courses or traineeship in Geological Science up to 15 credit points depending on the credit points of the independent project.

    Elective courses comprise 30 credit at the maximum.

    * Compulsory courses

    ** List of optional courses
    Geodynamics (7.5 credit points) Fall term
    Geological Mapping (7.5 credit points) Spring term
    Geomicrobiology and Mineral (7.5 credit points) Spring term
    Ocean and Climate Dynamics over Geological Timescales
    Ore Geology (7.5 credit points) Fall term
    Paleoclimatology (7.5 credit points) Spring term
    Palaeontology (7.5 credit points) Spring term
    Climate Change Through Earth's History (7.5 credit points) distance
    Terrestrial Geophysics (7.5 credit points) Spring term
    The Geoscientific Method (7.5 credit points) Fall term

  • Meet us

    Volker on Oden, with an arctic view in the background
    Photo: Carina Johansson

    "We educate broadly and your acquired skills will be used rather selectively. In my field, geochemistry, currently, most students start to work with consulting companies that investigate surface water and groundwater quality, or soil quality."

    Volker Brüchert is a senior lecturer in Biogeochemistry and theaches three courses.

    Read the whole article


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