Stockholm university
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Global health in a changing world

The course will provide knowledge about the reciprocal relationship between public health and global development, presented in three blocks (1) Globalisation and sustainable development, (2) Institutions and governance, (3) Regions and populations:

In the first block, a number of basic theoretical concepts will be introduced in order to increase understanding of the factors that affect global public health. What is globalisation and how does it impact individual and population health? In which ways are social and health related inequalities in rich and poor countries connected to global economic development? What is sustainable development and how is it related to good and equitable public health?

The second block will focus on the political dimension of global health. How can policy makers and organisations influence public health on a global scale? Essential principles for political governance beyond the nation state will be presented. Organisations such as the UN, the WHO, and other important actors will be discussed.

The third block will address geo-political, demographic and historical phenomena that have characterised global public health development, e.g. global migration and the European health divide. Which health problems and diseases are of central importance today? Situations in specific regions and countries will be used to provide concrete examples illustrating the topics and discussions of the previous blocks.

This course is given both as a single subject course, and on the societal track of the master's programme, term 3.

For more information on the programme: Master's programme in public health sciences: Societal perspectives