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Language Contact, Multilingualism and Minorities in the Romance-Speaking World

The course addresses language contact, multilingualism and minorities in environments where varieties of French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish are spoken, both in Europe and outside. Based on theories and methods about multilingual environments, you will study complex multilingual contexts, from a social, historical and geographical perspective

Florida, Virginia Key, Biscayne Bay. No Trespassing Sign in 4 languages
Florida, Virginia Key, Biscayne Bay. No Trespassing Sign in 4 languages Foto: Jeff Greenberg / Omni-Photo Communications, Inc. / Universal Images Group. Rights Managed / For Educational Use Only.

This course is at an advanced level and a Bachelor in languages, linguistics, or history/philosophy subjects is required to study the course. The course is always given during the spring semester and is compulsory for students who follow the master's program in linguistics with a focus on one of the Romance languages.
From the spring of 2022, this course will be part of CIVIS course offerings (se The course will be given in collaboration with colleagues from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Université libre de Bruxelles and University of Glasgow. We therefore look forward to welcoming applicants from a total of 10 European universities! Teaching takes place online and in English. You can read more about this course below.

  • Course structure

    The overall document for a course is the course syllabus. The syllabus can be found in the menu on the right. In this description, we clarify how to complete the course in practice. The course description should provide good guidance, but is not comprehensive. Further clarifications in oral or written form are given by the teacher during the lessons. Do not hesitate to ask the teacher if questions would remain. To see which teachers teach the course, and for information about the schedule and examination, see further under "Schedule". Information about Literature Lists can be found under Course literature.

    Teaching format

    This course consists of lectures, seminars and student presentations. You prepare for each lesson by reading relevant parts of the course literature. Course material, in the form of, for example, teacher presentations or reflection questions about the literature, is continuously posted on our learning platform. There is also information about the course implementation and clear reading instructions. During the classes, you are expected to participate actively and contribute to the discussion. To achieve the learning objectives, you will, among other things, discuss how languages change in multilingual environments and how different groups' language practices may be affected by, for example, ideologies and language policy.

    After the course you should be able to:
    - Understand and reflect upon multilingualism in the Romance-speaking world based on set examples from the reading list (and/or previous studies) and classroom activities.
    - Apply a number of theories and methods addressed during the course to either analyse language contexts characterised by language contact and change, or to discuss specific cases of language policy and planning.
    - Create a proposal for a small field study that aims to explore a particular situation where language contact takes place within a set context of language policy or planning in an environment where Romance languages are spoken.


    The course is examined through a short assignment and a written proposal for a field study with the aim of exploring a language contact setting or language policies in a context where Romance languages are spoken. The examination includes an oral part where you present your proposal during a seminar. The oral presentation is in English, but the written assignments can be written in one of the following languages: English, French, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish.
    Assignments must be written and presented in your own words and based on your own reflections on the subject. Quotations from the reference literature that illustrate your reasoning must be stated correctly with quotation marks and the source. For general information about cheating and plagiarism, see also Stockholm University's rulebook on rules for examinations and guidelines for disciplinary matters at Stockholm University.


    Laura Álvarez López

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.
  • Course reports

  • More information

    Learning platform:

  • Contact