Stockholm university
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Introduction to Quantitative Data Management and Statistics

The course is intended for students who wish to acquire practical skills in the management of quantitative data and detailed planning of statistical analyses, as well as a working knowledge of basic statistics.

The course is aimed  for  students  who  have  little  or  no  previous experience working  with quantitative data  and methods. Among  the  topics covered are: differences between types of data, responsible data management and the ethics of using survey data, basic programming, how to assess variables and write an analysis plan, as well as conduct descriptive analyses and data visualisation. We  use STATA software  in  the  course,  which  offers students  an  important  opportunity to  master  a  key skill for  quantitative research. The  course will increase students’ability to independently plan, execute and document data analyses: Are the data source and variables suitable for the research question? How can data management and documentation increase efficiency and  accuracy? Throughout  the  course,  students  will  have access to a pre-existing dataset. This dataset will be used during most of the course, but students are encouraged to begin looking for a data source to use in their thesis and are required to assess the  appropriateness  of data sources in the course.