Master's Programme in Education with International and Comparative specialisation
The Master's Programme in Education with International and Comparative specialisation is transdisciplinary, international and comparative. It aims at providing better understanding and skills in analysing learning and educational phenomena in different societies and cultures, and at providing a holistic perspective on learning, teaching and education.
The Master Degree Programme in Education with International and Comparative specialisation adopts a broad approach in addressing urgent needs and challenges facing education, globally. It focuses on the following research and training areas: International and Comparative Perspectives, Theory of Science, Educational Planning, Education and Development, Globalisation and Education and Educational Research Methods.
Within the framework of the programme, students complete a Master thesis. The overall aim of the programme is for students to acquire and advance their knowledge and analytical skills in the research fields of educational policy, planning, management, reform and evaluation by drawing on international, global and comparative perspectives, including cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural, trans-national and developmental dimensions. The programme is given in English and comprised of 120 higher education credits (120 ECTS) over four academic terms.
Programme overview
Year 1
Term 1
International and Comparative Education (PEA461)
Theory of Science (PEA462)
Educational Planning - Theory and Practice (PEA463)Term 2
Education and Development (PEA466)
Globalisation and Education (PEA465)
Introduction to Educational Research Methods (PEA464)Year 2
Term 3
Choose one of the two courses below:
Human Rights and Education (PEA470)
Language and Education in an International Perspective (PEA472)
Choose one of the two courses below:
Education for Sustainable Development (PEA473)
Educational Management and Leadership (PEA474)In-depth Studies in Research Methodology (PEA467)
Specialised Literature (PEA468)Term 4
Master's Thesis in Education with International and Comparative specialisation (PEA475)
How to apply
Admission Requirements and Letter of Intent
1. Have a Teaching degree or Bachelor’s degree within the social sciences or humanities, or its equivalent, corresponding to 180 Swedish higher education credits (equal to 180 ECTS) in undergraduate university studies.
Click here for more information
2. English Level 6 or equivalent
For more information see: English Language Profiency
3. Submit a Letter of Intent. The letter should be written in English (one page maximum) and cover the following points:
- Short description of your former academic/professional training, linking to international and comparative education
- Your expectations of the programme (both on a personal and professional level); and
- If relevant, your research topic ideas for a Master’s thesis.
Please clearly state "Master's Programme in Education with International and Comparative specialisation" at the top of your Letter of Intent. You can address your letter to the "Selection Committee".
Letter of Intent template (14 Kb)
4. Apply and submit all supporting documentation, including the Letter of Intent, to University Admissions.
Application Periods: Autumn 2024- Non-EU citizens: October 16th, 2023- January 15th, 2024
- EU citizens (and Swedish residents): March 15th-April 15th, 2024
As an EU citizen (or Swedish resident) you can apply for either round.
Meet us
Meet our students
Sovin Oh from Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea is a student in the Master's Programme in Education with International and Comparative specialization.
I would say this program is not easy, but I learned a lot from the readings and assignments. The discussions and presentations trained me to get out of my comfort zone.
Read more about Soovin Oh and her experience with the master's programme
Hernando Soto from Bogotá, Colombia, student in the Master's Programme in Education with International and Comparative specialization.
Without any doubt, the most fantastic feature of the program is the international setting. International education is not only explored conceptually and theoretically, but it is also a natural part of the daily experience.
Read more about Hernando Soto and his experience with the master's programme
Meet our researchers
Our researchers. Your teachers
Meet Rebecca Adami, researcher in Human Rights at the Department of Education. She teaches international master's courses on Human Rights and Education at Stockholm University.
Meet our alumni
Kyoko, International and Comparative Education
Thinking about a Master's in International and Comparative Education?
Hi! My name is Kyoko and I am from Japan. I studied the Master's Programme International and Comparative Education at Stockholm University.
Programme Coordinator
Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg
Email: Administration (please contact us for questions regarding the application process)
Admission inquiries
Thórunn Jakobsdóttir