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International Master's Programme in Political Science

The International Master’s Programme in Political Science offers breadth and depth in the study of politics. The programme aims to help students develop a critical understanding of the subject’s practical and theoretical dimensions, and equips them with a multifaceted set of analytical and methodological skills.

Information for admitted students autumn 2024

Congratulations! You have been admitted at Stockholm University and we hope that you will enjoy your studies with us.

In order to ensure that your studies begin as smoothly as possible we have compiled a short checklist for the beginning of the semester.

Follow the instructions on whether you have to reply to your offer or not.


Checklist for admitted students

  1. Activate your university account

    The first step in being able to register and gain access to all the university's IT services.

  2. Register at your department

    Registration can be done in different ways. Read the instructions from your department below.

  3. Read all the information on this page

    Here you will find what you need to know before your course or programme starts.


Your seat may be withdrawn if you do not register according to the instructions provided by your department.

Information from your department

On this page you will shortly find information on registration, learning platform, etc.

Welcome activities

Stockholm University organises a series of welcome activities that stretch over a few weeks at the beginning of each semester. The programme is voluntary (attendance is optional) and includes Arrival Service at the airport and an Orientation Day, see more details about these events below.
Your department may also organise activities for welcoming international students. More information will be provided by your specific department. 

Find your way on campus

Stockholm University's main campus is in the Frescati area, north of the city centre. While most of our departments and offices are located here, there are also campus areas in other parts of the city.

Find your way on campus

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For new international students

Pre-departure information

New in Sweden

The programme combines professional preparation with state of the art courses in political science, and includes both compulsory and elective courses. All courses are advanced level courses, and are taught in English.

  • Programme overview

    The first year of the programme consists of compulsory core courses and elective thematic specialisation courses. Each elective period offers the student a set selection of courses taught at the department. The number of seats for each course is limited. Programme students are allocated places according to admissions merit value.

    The independent research project (the Master’s Thesis) is written during the third semester. The topic is developed in consultation with a supervisor. During the final semester students undertake a workplace internship, study abroad as an exchange student, or take courses selected in consultation with the Director of Studies.

    Year 1

    Semester 1

    Period A & B

    Analytical Perspectives and the Study of Power in Social Science
    Course responsible teacher: Magnus Reitberger

    Period C

    Politics of Equality
    Course responsible teacher: Jouni Reinikainen

    International Security Politics
    Course responsible teacher: Niklas Heijl Bremberg

    Populism and Democratic Politics
    Course responsible teacher: Ludvig Norman

    Period D

    Global and Regional Governance
    Course responsible teacher: Jonas Tallberg

    National and Global Equality Policies: Goals and instruments
    Course responsible teacher: Lenita Freidenvall

    Environmental Politics - Governing the Anthropocene from Local to Global
    Course responsible teacher:  Sanna Lundquist

    Semester 2

    Period A

    Analysis of Democracy
    Course responsible teacher: Magnus Reitberger

    Period B

    Democratization and autocratization
    Course responsible teacher: Jan Teorell

    International Political Theory
    Course responsible teacher: Hans Agné

    Global Climate and Environmental Politics
    Course responsible teacher: Maximilian Wanner

    Period C & D

    Methods in Political Science
    Course responsible teachers: Ludvig Norman (Qualitative methods), Sanna Lundquist and Pär Nyman (Quantitaive methods)

    Year 2

    Semester 3

    Period A-D

    Independent research project in Political Science (for programme students on semester 3 only)

    Semester 4

    Period A-D

    During the fourth semester students on the International master’s programme in political science are offered the course “Professional internship in Political Science” 15, 22.5 or 30 credits.

    Internship 15 credits

    Internship 22.5 credits

    Internship 30 credits

    See below for more information about internship within the programme:

    Internship within the International master’s programme in political science

  • How to apply

    Admission to the International Master's Programme in Political Science is done once a year, for the autumn semester. All applications are to be submitted electronically through (English) or (Swedish).

    Please note that all parts of the application must be submitted directly to or No documentation should be sent to the department. Please also observe that applications to this programme should not include your Bachelor’s Thesis, a statement of relevant work and/or research experience, or a motivation letter.

    The Master's programmes in English are only open for admission in the international admission's round.

    Admission Requirements – General and Specific Eligibility

    The general requirement to study a Master's programme in Sweden is a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution of higher learning, corresponding to at least 180 credits in the European Credit Transfer System.

    The specific requirement for the International Master's Programme in Political Science is a Bachelor's degree in Political Science with at least 90 ECTS credits in Political Science, and English B/English 6, or equivalent.


    We make a selection among the eligable applicants. The selection of students is based on grades of academic courses.


    If you have questions about the admissions process or the general eligability, please contact University Admissions, or the Admissions Office at Stockholm University (

    If you have questions about the specific requirements, the selection process or the programme, please contact

  • Meet us

    Meet our students

    Meet Izabella and Emilia, who studies their master's programmes at the department: Learn more

    Meet our teachers

    Our teachers includes experts on a wide range of topics within the subject and are constantly keeping themselves updated within their fields of specialisation in order to be able to pass on their expertise to you as a student. Learn more

  • Contact