Stockholm university
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Environment and Global Governance

The course highlights the relationships between global environmental problems, such as climate change, biological diversity, deforestation, and marine pollution, transnationalization and global governance.

The aim is to provide a deepened insight into the scales, processes, actors, institutions and mechanisms of governance that make up global environmental governance, focusing on the terminology and basic approaches to the main problems of the field. The course sheds light on the historic emergence of inter-state cooperation, international environmental agreements, and regimes, as well as transnational collaborations and private governance and institutions. It also deals with the role of states and non-state actors (civil society, companies,the environmental movement, the scientific community) and new forms of governance and policy instruments (certification, private-public partnerships, international goal setting).

The efficiency and legitimacy of global environmental governance is juxtaposed to the aims of various stakeholders and drivers of global environmental change, interlinkages between issues, and the global goals development and environment.