Konferenser och seminarier

Filosofiämnena på Stockholms universitet anordnar flitigt seminarier, kollokvier, gästföreläsning och konferenser.


Konferens: Social ontologi 2023

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På Filosofiska institutionen bedrivs en aktiv seminareverksamhet med ett flertal aktiviteter varje vecka. Institutionen anordnar återkommande föreläsningserier med såväl forskare på institutionen och inbjudna föreläsare.

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På högre seminariet i praktisk filosofi presenteras pågående arbete av både institutionens medarbetare och externa forskare. Praktisk filosofi inkluderar en rad forskningsområden som till exempel tillämpad etik, normativ etik, metaetik, politisk filosofi, handlingsteori, samhällsvetenskapens och humanioras vetenskapsfilosofi (inklusive ekonomins filosofi och social ontologi), religionsfilosofi, estetik, rättsfilosofi, beslutsteori, spelteori, och dessa ämnens historia.

Seminariet äger rum torsdagar kl. 13:15 i D700. För mer information om det högre seminariet, tag kontakt med:

Gunnar Björnsson <gbjorn@su.se>

Isaac Taylor <isaac.taylor@philosophy.su.se>

Institutionens kollokvium organiserar gemensamt av praktisk och teoretisk filosofi och är öppet för alla forskare och studenter. Talarna är internationellt framstående forskare från hela världen. Varje kollokvium följs av en informell mottagning på institutionen dit alla deltagare är välkomna.

Kollokvierna 2002–2022

Frank Jackson, Australian National University, Narrow Content and Representationalism 29.11.2002

Jason Stanley, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, The Case for Contextualism in Epistemology 13.2.2003

Jennifer Saul, University of Sheffield, Pornography, Speech acts, and Context, 27.2.2003

Ian Proops, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, The Concept of Substance in Wittgenstein's Tractatus 8.5.2003

James Conant, University of Chicago, Varieties of Scepticism 22.5.2003

Stathis Psillos, University of Athens, Scientific Realism and the Base-Rate Fallacy 12.9.2003

Simon Blackburn, University of Cambridge, Fictionalism 16.10.2003

John Perry, Stanford University, Return of the Zombies 20.11.2003

Emma Borg, University of Reading, The role of mind-reading in understanding language 27.11.2003

Ted Sider, Rutgers University, Vague, so untrue 16.12.2003

Darragh Byrne, University of Birmingham, The Contents of Phenomenal Concepts 5.2.2004

Jocelyn Benoist, Varieties of Semantic Objectivism: objects, propositions, states of affairs 19.2.2004

Martina Reuter, Helsinki University, Appearance, truth and limitations: Merleau-Ponty on the history of philosophy 4.3.2004

Margaret Gilbert, University of Connecticut, Shared Values, Social Unity, and Liberty 18.3.2004

Jennifer Hornsby, University of London, Birkbeck, Linguistic action and the knowledge of speakers 1.4.2004

Bob Myers, York University, Practical reason and desire 13.4.2004

Pascal Engel, Sorbonne, How belief aims at truth 22.4.2004

Susan Hurley, University of Warwick, Rational agency, cooperation, and mindreading

Paisley Livingston, Lignan, Hong Kong, What is a Text? 18.5.2004

James Ladyman, University of Bristol, Common Sense, Induction and Constructive
Empiricism 16.9.2004

Brian McGuinness, Oxford University, Wittgenstein: Philosophy or Literature? 1.10.2004

Nicos Stavropoulos, Oxford University, Principles, Laws and Hypothesis 7.10.2004

Fred Feldman, University of Massachusetts, Moore's open question argument 30.11.2004

Jesse Prinz, University of North Carolina, The Perceptual Basis of Concepts 16.12.2004

Joseph Raz, University of Oxford, The Myth of Instrumental Rationality, 31.3.2005

David Pears, University of Oxford, The Development of Wittgenstein’s Ideas about the

Pronoun ’I’, 2.05.2005

Ned Block, New York University, The Epistemological Problem of the Philosophy of the Neuroscience of Consciousness, 10.5.2005

François Recanati, Institut Jean-Nicod, Situation-Relativity, 20.5.2005


Andrew Williams, University of Reading, Living as Equals: Right or Responsibility, 20.10.2005

Johan van Benthem, University of Amsterdam & Stanford University, Epistemic Logic and Epistemology: the state of their affairs, 27.10.2005

Sara Heinämaa, University of Helsinki, Naturalistic, personalistic, and phenomenological: three attitudes towards the body, 17.11.2005

Camilla Serck-Hanssen, Oslo University, Kant on Succession, 24.11.2005

Alan Weir, Queen's University, Belfast, Radical Interpretations of Quine?, 26.01.2005

Roger Crisp, University of Oxford, Hedonism Reconsidered, 16.03.2006

Michael McKinsey, Wayne State University, Externalism and Privileged Access are Inconsistent, 30.03.2006

Michael Devitt, CUNY, The Graduate Center, Resurrecting Biological Essentialism, 11.04.2006

Tim Lewens, University of Cambridge, Darwinism, Mayr, and Population Thinking, 8.05.2006.

Paul Boghossian, New York University, What is Relativism?, 30.05.2006.

Bill Brewer, University of Warwick, Perception and its Objects, 05.10.2006

Genoveva Marti, University of Barcelona, The Directness of Reference and Thought, 18.10.2006

Patrick Greenough, University of St Andrews, How to be a Reliabilist, 07.12.2006

Denis McManus, University of Southampton, The Unity of Language and the Generality of Logic in the Early Work of Wittgenstein, 8.2.2007.

Ralph Wedgwood, Oxford University, The Normativity of the Intentional, 22.3.2007.

Katalin Farkas, Central European University, Budapest, Knowledge and Discrimination, 12.4.2007.

Michael Bishop, Northern Illinois University, The Virtues of Epistemological
Minimalism, 17.4.2007.

Panos Dimas, Oslo University, Teachers of Virtue, 24.5.2007.

Barry Smith, Birkbeck College, Relativism, Meaning and Truth, 7.6.2007.


Hillel Steiner, Manchester University, A Famous Conflict, 13.9.2007.

Pekka Väyrynen, University of California, Explaining Exceptions in Ethics, 27.9.2007.

Stefano Predelli (University of Nottingham) & Isidora Stojanovic (Institut Jean-Nicod), Relativizing Kaplan: The Metasemantic Case for Relativist Semantics, 11.10.2007.

Michael Zimmerman (University of North Carolina), Partiality and Intrinsic Value, 11.12.2007.

Christel Fricke, Oslo University, How to learn to be a moral person. On Adam Smith’s Moral Theory, 21.2.207.

Samir Okasha, University of Bristol, Where Evolution and Rational Choice Part Ways, 6.3.2007.

Stephen Finlay, University of Southern California, What 'Ought' Probably Means, 27.03.2008.

Jussi Haukioja, University of Turku, Intuitions, Experiments and Externalism 17.04.2008

Helen Steward, University of Leeds, Fresh Starts, 15.05.2008.

Ben Bradley, University of Syracuse, A Defense of Hedonism, 29.05.2008.

2008-2009                                                                                                                                                    Edouard Machery, University of Pittsburgh, Two Conceptions of Subjective Experience, 23.09.2008.

Susanna Siegel, Harvard University, Cognitive Penetrability and Perceptual Justification, 25.09.2008.

Thomas Nagel, New York University, Secular Philosophy and the Religious Temperament, 23.10.2008.

Christopher Gauker, University of Cincinnati, Perception as the Representation of Perceptual Similarity, 30.10.2008.

Matti Eklund, Cornell University, Language Pluralism in Metaontology and Metaethics, 06.11.2008.

Krister Bykvist, Oxford University, Objective versus Subjective Moral Oughts, 04.12.2008.

Pauliina Remes, Uppsala University, Censorship in Plato's Republic, 18.12.2008.

Asbjörn Steglich-Petersen, Århus University, How to be a Teleologist about Epistemic Reasons, 20090212

Tim Crane, UCL, A Paradox of Thought, 20090219

Manuel Garcia-Carpintero, University of Barcelona, Pretending to Refer, 20090312

Albert Casullo, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Knowledge of Modality, 20090319

Katherine Hawley, University of St Andrews, Testimony and Knowing How, 20090326

Tom Hurka, University of Toronto, Underivative Duty: Prichard on Moral Obligation, 20090421

Helen Beebee, University of Birmingham, Agent Probabilities and Free Will, 20090507

Christopher Peacocke, Columbia University, Subjects and Consciousness, 20090514

Mike Otsuka, University College London, Personal Identity and the Significance of Becoming, 20090526

Hallvard Lillehammer, Cambridge University, Methods of Ethica and the Descent of Man, 20090903

Katerina Ierodiakonou, Athens & LSE,The Notion of Enargeia in Hellnistic Philosophy, 20090924

Tim Kenyon, University of Waterloo, Default Acceptance of Testimony, 20091001

Thomas Cristiano, University of Arizona, Arguments for a Human Right to Democracy, 20091013

Paula Casal, University of Barcelona and University of Reading, Apethics: Moral Reflections on the Great Apes, 20091105

Mark Schroeder, University of Southern California, Two Roles for Propositions: Cause for Divorce? 20091113

Diana Raffman, University of Toronto, Tolerance and the Competent Use of Vague Words, 20091119

Stewart Cohen, University of Arizona, Bootstrapping and Defeasible Reasoning, 20091217

Nick Zangwill, Durham, Metaphor Inexpressibility, and the Ways of Value: Beyond Thickiphobia. 20100218

Terry Horgan, Arizona, Untying a Knot from the Inside Out: Reflections on the 'Paradox' of Supererogation. 20100318

John Broome, Oxford, The Ethics of Climate Change and the Risk of Catastrophe. 20100325

Lydia Goehr, Columbia, Ekphrasis: Saying, Showing, and Singing in the Contest of the Arts. 20100415

David Enoch, Hebrew University, Not Just a Truthometer: Taking Oneself Seriously (but not Too Seriously) in Cases of Peer Disagreement. 20100429

Mohan Matthen, Toronto, Sensory Knowledge. 20100520

Douglas Patterson, Kansas, Truth as Conceptually Primitive. 20100526

Fall 2010                                                                                          Steven Nadler, Wisconsin, Maimonides on Providence and Moral Luck. 20100930

David Papineu, King's College, Can We Really See a Million Colours? 20101007

Christine Tappolet, Université de Montréal, The Normativity of Evaluative Concepts. 20101021

Corinne Besson, Oxford, Logical Knowledge and Ordinary Reasoning. 20101111

Melinda Roberts, College of New Jersey, Early Abortion and the Moral Significance of

Merely Possible Persons. 20101202

Nils Holtug, Copenhagen, Metaphysics and Justice. 20101216

Spring 2011                                                                                                                               

Graham Oddie, Colorado, In defense of desires as value data. 20110203

Michelle Montague, Bristol, Conscious occurrent thought. 20110217

Jennifer Nagel, Toronto, The Intuitive Appeal of the KK Principle. 20110224

Jessica Brown, St. Andrews, Words, Concepts and Epistemology. 20110324

David Hunter, Ryerson, Belief Revision and the First Person Perspective. 20110407

Fiona McPherson, Glasgow, Cognitive Penetration of Colour Experience. 20110512

Pierre Jacob, Jean Nicod, A Puzzle about Belief-ascription. 20110519

Fall 2011
Cynthia MacDonald, Queens University, Belfast, Primitivism about secondary qualities. 20111013

Tyler Burge, UCLA, Psychological Content and Ego-Centric Indexes. 20111031

Denis Walsh, University of Toronto, Adaptation and the 'Affordance Landscape'. 20111124

Geoffrey Brennan, ANU and Univ. of Northern California, Voting and Causal Responsibility. 20111201

Bart Streumer, University of Reading, Can We Believe in Error Theory? 20111215

Spring 2012
Robert Hopkins, Sheffield, Imagining the Past: On the Nature of Episodic Memory. 19.01.2012

David Charles, Oxford, Actions and Processes. 01.03.2012

David Davies, McGill, When art is not 'for art's sake'. 29.03.2012

Alison Hills, Oxford, Are Moral Philosophers Moral Experts? 12.04.2012

Thad Metz, Johannesburg, The Meaningful and the Worthwhile: Clarifying the Relationships. 26.04.2012

David Sobel, Nebraska, Self-Ownership and the Conflation Problem. 24.05.2012

Autumn 2012
Bas van der Vossen. UNC Greensboro. Imposing Duties and Original Appropriation. 04.09.2012

James Hamilton. Kansas State University. Did Hamlet really just kill Polonius? 02.10.2012

Lucy Allais. Sussex & Witwaterstand. Freedom and Forgiveness. 18.10.2012

Wayne Sumner. Toronto. Incitement and the Regulation of Hate Speech. 08.11.2012

Guy Longworth. Warwick. Sharing Thoughts about Oneself. 29.11.2012

Rafael De Clerq. Lingnan. Is there a problem with the causal criterion of event identity? 20.12.2012

Spring 2013
Katja Vogt (Columbia) Title: "The Subject Matter of Ethics: A Metaphysical Reading of NE I.3". 23 May 2013.

Robert Stainton (UWO) Title: "What Individuates Assertion?" 16 May 2013

Sergio Tenenbaum (Toronto) Topic: "Reconsidering Intention". 25 April 2013.

Michael Strevens (NYU) Topic: "Counterfactual Support: Why Care?" (NB: Monday) 8 April 2013.

Simon Kirchin "Concepts, Conceptions and the Epistemology of Disagreement". 28 April

Thomas Schmidt "Moral Equivalences". 14 February

Autumn 2013
David Henderson (Nebraska): “Explaining by Reference to Norms Is Only Natural (or Should Be)”, 5 September 2013

Martin Davies (Oxford), 26 September 2013

Karen Nielsen (Oxford): “Drowning in Ignorance? The Epistemic Argument for

Deliberation Incompatibilism", 10 October

Helen Frowe (Stockholm), 14 November 2013

Greg Currie (Nottingham), 5 December 2013

Spring 2014
Hilary Greaves (Oxford): “Antiprioritarianism”, 13 March 2014

Ralf Bader (Oxford): “The Asymmetry”, 27 March 2014

Michael Blome-Tillman (McGill): “Solving the Moorean Puzzle”, 24 April 2014

Ian Proops (Austin, Texas): “Might I be Many? Kant on the Second Paralogism”, 22 May 2014

Hartry Field (NYU): “Truth, Vagueness and Restricted Quantification”, 28 May 2014
Fall 2014 Øyvind Rabbås (UiO): “Virtue, right action, and respect in Aristotle”, 11 September 2014

Francois Recanati (Jean Nicod, Paris): “Slurs as indexicals”, 25 September 2014

Christian List (LSE): “From Degrees of Belief to Beliefs: Lessons from Judgment-Aggregation Theory”, 9 October 2014

Rosanna Keefe (Sheffield): “Validity, normativity and degrees of belief”, 6 November 2014

Spring 2015
Len Lawlor (PSU): “A Bird as Rare upon the Earth as a Black Swan”, 27 February 2015

Elisabeth Schellekens Dammann (Uppsala): “On Sensible and Intelligible Beauty”, 19 March 2015

Sally Haslanger (MIT): “Norms, Generics, and Social Kinds”, 16 April 2015

Peter Railton (UMich): “Toward reunion in meta-ethics?”, 28 May 2015

David Chalmers (NYU/ANU): “Spatial Illusions: From Mirrors to Virtual Reality”, 8 June 2015

Autumn 2015
Noa Latham (Calgary): “The Direction and Passage of Time and Price’s Open Question Argument”, 3 September 2015

Ofra Magidor (Oxford) “The Direction and Passage of Time and Price’s Open Question Argument”, 15 October 2015

Dorit Bar-On (Connecticut): “Expression and Meaning: Acts, Products, and ‘Normative Language,” 22 October 2015

Jules Holroyd (Nottingham): “Can we control implicit biases? An account of ecological control,” 19 November 2015

Anna-Sofia Maurin (Gothenburg): “Metaphysical Explanation,” 3 December 2015

Spring 2016
Richard Dawid (Stockholm): “Non-Empirical Confirmation,” 28 January 2016

Paul Egré (Institut Jean-Nicod / SCAS): “A closer look at borderline contradictions, gaps and gluts,” 11 February

Ori Simchen (British Columbia): “Semantic Determinacy (or: How to Talk About Cats),” 17 March 2016

Mike Otsuka (London School of Economics): “How it Makes a Moral Difference that One is Worse Off than One Could Have Been,” 14 April 2016

Sarah Stroud (McGill University): “Self-Control in Action and Belief,” 28 April 2016

Henry Jackman (Toronto): “Truth, Normativity and Interpretational Theories of Meaning,” 12 May 2016

Anita Avramides (Oxford): “Knowing another’s mind: some problems with a perceptual account,” 26 May 2016

Autumn 2016
Erik Angner (Stockholm): “On the Relationship between Science and Philosophy,” 22 September 2016

Jill Gordon (Colby College): “Black Bodies Matter: A Reading of Ta-Nehisi Coates’s 'Between the World and Me',” 20 October 2016

Jaakko Kuorikoski (Helsinki): “There are no mathematical explanations,” 17 November 2016

Bence Nanay (Antwerp/Cambridge): “Desire infection,” 24 November 2016

Spring 2017
Jennifer Lackey (Northwestern Uiversity): “Imperfect Epistemic Duties and the Duty to Object,” 16 February 2017

Gunnar Björnson (Stockholm): “Disagreement in judgment,” 6 March 2017

Julie Zahle (University of Copenhagen): “Values in Qualitative Data Collection,” 6 April

Robert van Rooij (University of Amsterdam): “Lying with a kernel of truth: Propaganda with generics,” 20 April 2017

Matthew Slater (Bucknell University): “Realism and Non-Factive Understanding,” 18 May 2017

Autumn 2017
Stephan Hartmann (Münich): “Bayesian Argumentation,” 5 October 2017

Pekka Väyrynen (Leeds): “Normative Explanation Unchained,” 19 October 2017

Spring 2018
Stephen Finlay (University of Southern California): “Defining Normativity,” 15 February 2018

Carla Bagnoli (University of Modena): “Claiming responsibility for actions under duress,” 29 March 2018

Daniel Stoljnar (ANU): “Does rationality require you to believe you are conscious?,” 19 April 2018

Laura Valentini (LSE): “Why the Notion of a Moral Claim Right is not Fit for Purpose,” 30 May 2018

Autumn 2018
John Gibson (Louisville): “Metaphor and the Aesthetics of Insight,” 6 September 2018

Bonnie Kent (UCI): “Dignity and Rational Powers,” 12 September 2018

Robert Goodin (ANU): “The Duty to Let Others Do Their Duty,” 20 September 2018

Mohan Matthen (University of Toronto): “Art and Pleasure: Reframing the Question,” 18 October 2018

Henrik Lagerlund (SU): “The Changing Face of Aristotelian Empiricism in the Fourteenth Century,” 15 November 2018

Spring 2019
Graham Oddie (Boulder, Colorado): “Holism, shapelessness and the uncodifiability of value,” 14 February 2019

Michael Morreau (Tromsø): “Democracy without Enlightenment,” 21 March 2019

Roger Crisp (Oxford): “Rescue and Personal Involvement: A Response to Woollard,” 11

April 2019
Anna Becker (Copenhagen): “Politics that matters: Bodies and the material in the history of early modern political thought,” 9 May 2019

Ásta (San Francisco): “Categories we live by,” 5 June 2019

Spring 2020

Autumn 2020
Thomas Schmidt (Humboldt): Moral Obligation, Moral Reasons, and Supererogation 27 February

Katie Steele (ANU)  Evidence, Arbitrariness and Fair Treatment 22 October

Anna Marmodoro (Durham/Oxford) 26 November

Christian Barry (ANU): What does fidelity to justice require? Thursday, 10 December

Spring 2021
Stockholm Philosophy Colloquium: Miira Tuominen: Soul and Body, Mind and Matter in Late Ancient Theories of Perception January 28     

Peter Adamson (Munich): Philosophy without Borders: Intellectual Exchange between India, Europe, Islam, and Africa February 18

Katia Vavova (Mount Holyoke College): Yeah, you would say that, wouldn’t you? May 27

Richard Chappell (Miami): A new paradox of deontology September 2

Hille Paakkunainen (Syracuse): A naturalism about virtue April 29

Autumn 2021
Kit Fine (NYU): Truthmaker Semantics and the Regimentation of Language

Spring 2022
Jessica Isserow (Leeds): What is self-esteem? 3 february 2022

Teresa Marques (Barcelona): Misogyny is the hatred of women 25 november

Beate Krickel (TU Berlin): Where is the mind? – Why this question makes sense only if understood normatively 4 April

Antti Kauppinen (Helsinki): Perfectionism 12 May

Autumn 2022                                           Katie Steele (joint work with Pamela Robinson) (ANU)  29 September                    

Sebastian Enqvist: Extracting Herbrand disjunctions from cyclic proofs 20 October                                                                      Siska De Baerdemaeker: Cosmology and Empire (Joint work with Mike D. Schneider) 8 December

Jenny Pelletier (KU Leuven/Gothenburg




Wedbergföreläsningarna är instiftade till minne av Anders Wedberg (1913-1978). Vartannat år inbjuds en internationellt framstående filosof att, under en vecka, hålla ett antal föreläsningar vid Stockholms universitet.

Kort om Anders Wedberg
När Wedberg tillträdde professuren hade han under lång tid varit docent vid Stockholms högskola. Det var en utnämning som han fått redan 1937, då han disputerade vid högskolan efter att tidigare ha studerat i Uppsala för bland annat Axel Hägerström. Under åren 1939-43 vistades han i USA där han studerade vid Princeton och Harvard och undervisade vid Cornell University.

Anders Wedbergs fackfilosofiskt mest betydande arbete är hans bok Plato’s Philosophy of Mathematics, som kom ut 1955 och omtrycktes 1977. Hans allmänt mest inflytelserika verk är dock hans filosofihistoria i tre band, Filosofins historia, som gavs ut av Bonniers under åren 1958-1966. Det översattes även till engelska och gavs ut av Oxford University Press 1982-84. Verket har utgivits på nytt av Bokförlaget Thales.

Wedbergs filosofihistoria introducerade ett åtminstone i Sverige nytt sätt att skriva filosofins historia med tonvikt på försök att tolka och analysera tidigare tänkares filosofiska idéer med hjälp av dagens filosofi och dess metodarsenal.  Både genom sina skrifter och genom sitt sätt att undervisa bidrog Wedberg i hög grad till en omorientering av svensk filosofi i mer systematisk och analytisk riktning.

Mer om Anders Wedberg

Wedbergföreläsningarna 2004–2022

2004: John Broome ”Reasoning”

2006: Timothy Williamson ”Understanding and Imagining”

2008: Peter Singer ”Global Poverty: What are our obligations?”

2010: Robert Stalnaker ”Conditional Reasoning”

2013: Richard Joyce ”On Evolution and Morality”

2015: Robin Jeshion ”Slurs, Dehumanization, and the Expression of Contempt”

2017: Amie Thomasson ”Deflating Metaphysics”

2020: John Norton ”The Material Theory of Induction”

2022: Rae Langton ”The Quiet Engine: Speech, Silence and the Power of Accommodation”

2024: Calvin G. Normore "Persons, Selves, and Soul" 

Kort om Rolf Schock 

Man kan uppfatta Rolf Schock och hans liv som en tragedi och ett misslyckande. Han hade dåliga relationer med sina föräldrar. Deras krav och förväntningar kom att tynga hans liv. Han vägrade i vissa avseenden att anpassa sig till sociala förväntningar och de krav som ställdes på honom. Han förblev annorlunda, en udda person, en bohem. Han var intresserad av mycket och studerade mycket – men hans begåvning och studier ledde aldrig till det formella akademiska erkännande han eftersträvade och sannolikt förtjänade. Han dog i en olycka en decemberdag 1986 i Berlin, 53 år gammal.

Många blev mycket överraskade när hans testamente öppnades och det visade sig att han hade gjort en del av dem till förmånstagare av den förmögenhet de inte hade en aning om att han ägde. I döden påverkade han deras liv en gång till, och därutöver skapade han en stiftelse med uppgift att belöna människor som varit mer framgångsrika än han själv inom fyra områden: filosofi/logik, matematik, konst och musik.

The Schock Foundation som fattar beslut om prisen efter förslag från Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien.

Priserna i filosofi och logik 1993–2022

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