Highlights in Gender Studies: Decoloniality and Feminism, 2,5 credits

Critics have pointed out a tendency within gender studies in the West to overlook the diverse experiences of women across intersecting aspects such as class, race, sexuality, and ability. Similarly, postcolonial studies have faced criticism for neglecting to address the differential treatment of men and women within colonial power structures, as well as the pervasive role of patriarchal order in each context.

This course seeks to transcend Eurocentric knowledge production and move beyond a narrow focus solely on humanities or social sciences. It provides a platform to examine how gender blindness and the oversight of colonial power have influenced natural science and scientific production, often claimed to be objective and based on singular truth.

Through interdisciplinary engagement, the course creates space to explore the integration of gender and decolonial analyses across all research disciplines. Our objective is to focus on the intersections of gender, race, and colonial legacies, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of power dynamics and social hierarchies. Through collaborative dialogue, we aim to shed lights on the complexities of these issues and explore innovative approaches within each discipline and research context.

Picture: Pixabay

Course director

Prof. Fataneh Farahani, ERG, SU


Prof. Fataneh Farahani

Course period

5 September – 26 September


Send an e-mail with your name, department, university (city and country), dissertation topic and supervisor to phdadministration@erg.su.se no later than August 16.

The course is open to PhD students at all faculties and universities (including universities affiliated to CIVIS).

The course will take place on Stockholm University Campus Frescati. More info will follow.


For course information, contact Fataneh Farahani, fataneh.farahani@etnologi.su.se.

For administrative questions, contact Malena Gustavson, malena.gustavson@gender.su.se.


Literature Gender highlight Decoloniality and Feminism 2024 (163 Kb)

Syllabus (247 Kb)


Thursday 5 September; 1-4 pm
Thursday 19 September; 1-4 pm
Thursday 26 September; 1-4 pm

NB! Seminar participation is mandatory. All seminars will be on-campus only, Campus Frescati, Stockholm University (more details on venues and scheduled readings will be sent by email to participants).

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