ACCESS Forum 2024 – Focus on Research and Researchers

During June 11-14, Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology hosted ACCESS Forum 2024. Bilateral research collaboration and sustainable development goals of the Agenda 2030 were the focus of 13 research groups

ACCESS forskare under avslutningsceremonin med Chiles forskningsminister
ACCESS researchers with Chiles Minister of Research, Aisén Etcheverry Escudero

ACCESS Forum coincided with the official visit of Chile's President Gabriel Boric. During the visit, President Astrid Söderbergh Widding emphasized the importance of cultural and academic cooperation between Sweden and Chile.

The academic collaboration between Chile and Sweden has proven to be a dynamic and fruitful force, founded on strong historical ties and a shared vision of progress and sustainable development. A significant example of this is the ACCESS collaboration project, in which researchers from both countries come together to work on issues aligned with Agenda 2030.

ACCESS: From Four to Seventeen Universities

Started by four universities, the ACCESS platform has grown to include seventeen academic institutions, demonstrating the project's expansion and success. Investments in science and education are crucial to maintaining and strengthening this type of collaboration. In his speech, President Boric emphasized the importance of public funding for higher education as well as for academic exchange and mobility at all levels.

President Gabriel Boric Font talade i Aula Magna på ACCESS Froum 2024.
President Gabriel Boric in Aula Magna at ACCESS Forum 2024. Foto: Lars Folkesson/Bildbyrån

Historical Ties and Science Diplomacy

Historical ties between Chile and Sweden have provided a solid foundation for the current ACCESS project. Science diplomacy has played a crucial role in strengthening relations and creating an environment where security, academic freedom, and the importance of scientific collaboration are prioritized. Over the years, around 1000 researchers have participated in ACCESS activities, demonstrating the two countries' continuous commitment to scientific progress.

Thaïs Machado Borges, Director of the Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies at Stockholm University
Thaïs Machado Borges, Director of the Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies at Stockholm University

"ACCESS FORUM has developed an innovative structure for academic collaboration," says Stockholm University's academic representative for ACCESS, Thaïs Machado Borges, Director of the Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies at Stockholm University.

Instead of short presentations of papers and multiple parallel sessions, ACCESS FORUM allows researchers at all academic levels to engage in specific thematic discussions over three full days. The workshop leaders are free to plan and organize how their groups will work during these days. This structure allows for more time, more interaction, and greater depth in academic exchanges.

At the end of the week, the research groups presented their results to the entire ACCESS assembly. Short presentations highlighted what was done during the week and the next steps for future collaboration were discussed. As moderator of the closing ceremony, Dr. Machado-Borges emphasized the importance of this final interdisciplinary session and the synergies created when researchers from different work groups share the results of their work: "ACCESS FORUM 2024 was a highly inspiring week and a concrete example of good practices for other platforms for academic collaboration."

Chile’s Minister of Research Aisén Etcheverry Escudero participated in ACCESS FORUM 2024

Chile’s Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation, Aisén Etcheverry Escudero, attended parts of the Forum with great interest and asked a series of relevant questions to gain insight into the network's goals and future prospects.

In a closing speech at ACCESS FORUM 2024, Minister Aisén Etcheverry Escudero expressed her conviction about the importance of the research workshops conducted during the week and how the ACCESS network works with the global goals in Agenda 2030. She also emphasized the importance of building bridges for communication between research and society at large.

Without Science, There Is No Sustainable Development

The role of science in sustainable development cannot be underestimated. Academic and scientific collaboration between Chile and Sweden is a clear example of how international cooperation can lead to significant advancements that benefit society as a whole. 

Semana del Foro ACCESS 2024 – Enfoque en la Investigación y los Investigadores

ACCESS Forum 2024 – Fokus på forskning och forskare