Temporary agency work

Our goal for this project is to focus on young graduates whose entry into the labor market starts with employment through a temporary agency. We want to highlight how they experience their first employment and how they plan for and develop their career.

We are interested in learning more about the experiences of young graduates in their first employment at temporary agencies. Of particular interest are their expectations and career plans, experiences of supervisor support at the host organization as well as at the agency, what they learn in their placements, and how they shape their employability and career prospects.

Handslag över ett arbetsbord. Foto: Fauxels från Pexels.

Why is it important to investigate temporary agency workers?

For many young graduates, their entry into the labor market is often through an employment contract with a temporary agency. Given that early labor market affiliation can have lasting implications, this project places emphasis on the psychological mechanisms involved that can contribute to favorable career prospects.

The perception of employability is one explanation for why there is such variation in early career opportunities and development amongst employed individuals. Perceptions of employability are important as they have been shown to relate to certain behaviors and positioning in the workplace. Moreover, perceptions of employability can affect how an individual reacts in order to change and advance their position in the labor market.

What is the long-term goal for this project?

We would like to contribute to a sustainable working life where young graduates entering the labor market are met with favorable career prospects. With the assistance of an advisory group consisting of representatives from different divisions of the labor market, we will ensure that research focuses on crucial questions, and that findings be disseminated in relevant settings.



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