
NOWSTARS is made up of a number of researchers, most of whom belong to the Division of Work and Organizational Psychology at the Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, while some come from other institutions of higher education.


About us

The principal investigator of the research program is Professor Magnus Sverke.

The Steering Committee assumes responsibility for the overall planning within the research program.

NOWSTARS has a Scientific Reference Group consisting of prominent researchers as well as a Labor Market Reference Group including various social partners (see below).

In addition, each project have its own reference group consisting of representatives from labor unions, employer organizations, governmental authorities, and branch organizations (see respective project page).

NOWSTARS is financed by Forte with additional funding provided by Stockholm University (see the page About the research program).


Steering Committee

NOWSTARS is headed by the Steering Committee, which has the responsibility for the overall planning of the research program.

Contact us directly by email at

Each project within the program has a project leader (see the respective project pages under About the research program).


Research team


Scientific reference group

NOWSTARS' scientific reference group consists of well-known work-life researchers with considerable experience in employment contracts, perceptions of job insecurity, and working conditions in relation to work-related and health-related outcomes amongst gainfully employed women and men.

The purpose of the scientific advisory team is to provide support and input with regards to the program’s design and presentation of program results.

The scientific advisory team consists of the following members

Professor Gunnar Aronsson (Until 2024)
Department of Psychology
Stockholm University

Professor Tomas Berglund
Department of Sociology and Work Science
University of Gothenburg

Professor Nele De Cuyper
Research Group Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
KU Leuven

Professor Hans De Witte
Research Group Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
KU Leuven

Professor Annika Härenstam
Department of Psychology
Stockholm University

Professor Saija Mauno
Work and Organizational Psychology
Faculty of Social Sciences
Tampere University

Professor Hugo Westerlund
Stress Research Institute 
Department of Psychology
Stockholm University


Labor market reference group

The NOWSTARS labor market reference group consists of representatives from employers’ organizations, trade union confederations, and governmental authorities in the field of work environment.

They have significant experience in areas such as working conditions, psychosocial work environment factors, and types of employment arrangements, including how such aspects are associated with various work-related and health-related outcomes. The purpose of the labor market reference group is to provide advice and views on the program’s focus as well as on how the research results can be of practical benefit.

The group consists of the following people

  • Christina Jonsson, Senior advisor, Swedish Work Environment Authority
  • Karin Fristedt, Investigator work environment, Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations (Saco)
  • Emelie Hägerström, Investigator, Swedish Agency for Government Employers
  • Patrik Karlsson, Labor market expert, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
  • Marta Sousa-Ribeiro Larsson, Process leading analyst, Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise (Mynak)
  • Lena Persson, Official for work environment issues, Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO)
  • Martine Syrjänen Stålberg, Investigator work environment, Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (TCO)
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