The role of unions

The aim of this project is to explore the role of unions in today’s labor market, primarily in relation to various non-standard employment contracts, which have become notably more commonplace.

Specifically, questions considering union density as well as attitudes towards unions amongst individuals in non-standard employment are the focus. Self-employment, temporary agency work, academia, and retail make up the four sectors that will build the empirical foundation of this project.

The role of unions. Workplace photo from Pixabay.

Why is it important to investigate the role of unions in the labor market?

Union membership has been steadily declining in recent years. Unions have had a long-standing tradition of responsibility for protecting employees against insecure employment situations such as fixed-term or short-term contracts with the overall intention of ensuring better working conditions and increased job security for their members.

Given the rapidly changing labor market, unions have had to adapt their approach to representing a more diversified group of employees: those who have alternative, or flexible employment contracts. Some such contracts may include, but are not limited to, employment on an hourly-basis, temporary or project-based contracts, and employment through temporary agencies or digital platforms.

Although union membership has the potential to positively affect job security, working conditions, and other work-related aspects, many employees with atypical contracts choose not to unionize. It is therefore important to investigate current perceptions of and attitudes towards unions in order to understand and describe how unions may tackle these challenges and continue to be an interesting and relevant force in today’s labor market.

What is the long-term goal for this project?

This project seeks further understanding as to how employees with atypical employment contracts perceive the role of unions as well as their attitudes towards unions. The project will also provide valuable insight into how union membership corresponds to work-related outcomes including job performance, attitudes, health and well-being amongst employees with atypical employment contracts.



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