
The focus of PRIM includes development, analysis and design of centrally prepared tests, national evaluations and international knowledge measurements as well as assessment with formative focus and feedback.

Illustration: Jens Ahlbom

The research includes both qualitative and quantitative analysis of mainly empirical data. Continuous research activities are conducted in connection with the development of assessment methods and measuring instruments linked to studies of knowledge. Of particular interest are questions about the assessment of mathematics in large-scale national or international studies.

PRIM was founded in 1984 with the initial purpose of developing standard tests in mathematics. Since then, the group has developed, both in content and size, and is today a research and test development group that, among other things, conducts research and develops national tests and assessment support materials in mathematics for both primary and secondary school and adult education. The group also conducts research with a focus on international knowledge studies and PRIM is responsible for mathematics in the international studies PISA and TIMSS in Sweden.

For more information about the research and research projects


ASSESS - Assessment of Knowledge in Educational Systems

ASSESS is a graduate school with a focus on assessment of knowledge in educational systems. The project's purpose is to strengthen research competence and educational research in the assessment area within teacher education. PRIM is part of the project's steering group but also involved with supervisors and four doctoral students.

Read more about the project:


Mapping the opportunity gap in mathematics education

The project wants to generate a nuanced understanding of how inequity in socio-material conditions can affect students' opportunities to learn mathematics. Researchers from PRIM are a part of the project.

Read more about the project.


Optimal calibration of questions in computerized achievement tests

During the development stage of large-scale assessments, items are tested on the intended target group. The project aims to investigate and develop the field-testing  process. Researchers and test developers from PRIM are participating in the project.

Read more about the project.


Successful PISA Stories in the EU

The goal for the project is to try to understand to what extent individual (e.g. migrant background), school (such as school organisation and pedagogical practices) and system factors (e.g. resources, curricula, quality assurance) can explain differences in educational outcomes as measured in PISA. PRIM is part of the project and intends to study and describe the development in the Swedish context. 

Read more about the project.


Development of a national entrance test for admission to higher education

PRIM participates in developing and constructing the eligibility test and in analysing the test results. The work in PRIM mainly focuses on the parts that concern competencies in mathematics and problem solving. The work includes method development, instrument development and instrument design.

Read more about the project.



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