Stockholms universitet
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Masterprogram i filmvetenskap

As a student of Cinema Studies, you will experience film, television, and moving images anew - explore previously unknown phenomena and acquire tools to approach, describe, and interpret media in new and exiting ways

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Information från institutionen - program

Välkommen programstudent!

Program på svenska:

Vi har ett program som ges på svenska.

  • HJOOK Journalistprogrammet  - kandidatprogram

Program på engelska:

Vi har fyra program som ges på engelska.

  • HMOVO Masterprogram i filmvetenskap
  • HMKGM Masterprogram i globala mediestudier
  • HMFAO Masterprogram i modevetenskap
  • HMJOA Masterprogram i journalistikstudier

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Under utbildningen


Kårer och föreningar

Photo: Ingmarie Andersson

All courses contain a number of screenings, and over the course of the Programme you will have viewed a wide selection of films, from classics to rare films by directors from all corners of the world. 

Our Faculty includes some of Sweden's most prominent researchers in the field, teaching in a unique building dedicated to and built for film-related activities - featuring two large cinemas, a dedicated film library, a film archive, production studios, the Swedish Film Institute, and a cinematheque. 

Please note that the programme does not include courses in Film Production.
The language of instruction is English. 

Help getting started with your thesis early

Supervisor and Master Thesis Seminars

Supervisor from the start

A unique feature of the Cinema Studies Programme is that you get a supervisor early. Already by the end of the first semester. This is why it is good to have a general idea - when you apply - of what your thesis will be about.

Master Thesis Seminars through out the program

Master Thesis Seminars run from the first semester through the last, allowing you to share and develop ideas with your own cohort and with 2nd year students. This is a great way to get a better understanding in how the process of writing a thesis works.

  • Programöversikt

    The Programme has an open and accommodating structure granting you relative freedom to shape the contents to your preference, including an elective semester abroad in the 2-year Programme.

    The 1-year Programme is an option if you want to reach your degree faster and write a shorter thesis. Switching between the 1 and 2-year programmes is possible during the first semester. Please note that the degree "One year Master"  is different fom a Master's degree and not common outside Sweden.

    A unique feature of the Cinema Studies Programme is that thesis seminars run from the first semester through the last, allowing you to share and develop ideas with your own cohort and with 2nd year students. Thesis supervisors are assigned early, already by the end of the first semester.

    Look at this image for an overview

    HMOVO from Fall21 overview graph (375 Kb)

    The first semester consists of two core courses focusing on theories, historiographies, methods, and research skills; introducing you to the field and laying the foundation for the rest of the Programme. Scientific Methods and Research Ethics takes a closer look a what science is, what knowledge is, and how knowledge is produced from a general philosophical viewpoint, and an overview of key contemporary debates in Cinema Studies is presented in Media Studies: Keywords for the Present.

    The second semester offers two advanced courses in Cinema Studies for the first half of the semester, of which one focuses on aspects of Swedish or Nordic Cinema. During the second part, there is a choice between other electives at Stockholm University. 

    The third semester is open for either exchange studies at Stockholm University's partner universities or electives in Cinema Studies and other subjects. English for Academic Research helps you improve productive skills (speaking and writing) for academic purposes with particular reference to participating in seminars, and writing a master’s thesis in English. One advanced course in Cinema Studies is always offered during the first part of this semester.

    The last semester is fully devoted to a capstone in the form of a master’s thesis (dissertation), in which you, with guidance and supervision, identify one or several research questions, carry out independent research and present your findings in a final seminar.

    År 1


    Please note that the programme does not include courses in Film Production.

    Semester 1

    FV7328 Cinema Studies revisited: Contemporary and historical perspectives (CC1) 7,5 Credits.

    FV7329 Moving images and archival media technologies (CC2) 7,5 Credits

    Scientific Methods and Research Ethics (7.5 hp)

    Media Studies: Keywords for the Present (7.5 hp) *

    * since this course on MA-level is given 1st semester you are automatically admitted to this course even though it is labeled as "elective".

    Semester 2

    How to select courses 2'nd semester Cinema Master

    Elective courses in Cinema Studies (15-30 hp)
    Elective courses in Cinema Studies or other subject areas (0-15 hp)


    År 2

    Semester 3

    Select courses 3'd semester Cinema Master

    Elective course in Cinema Studies (7,5 hp)
    Elective courses in Cinema Studies or other subject areas (2x7,5 hp)

    English for Academic Research (7.5 hp)

    Semester 4

    THESIS 30 credits

    Cinema Studies- Master’s (120 credits) course (FV7192)

    Självständigt arbete

    Filmvetenskap - masterkurs (FV7192)

  • Så ansöker du

    What to submit when and where

    Check complete application: What you need to have uploaded and in order

    International applicant Swedish applicant
    Letter of Intent Letter of Intent
    Extended Abstract Extended Abstract
    Degree Certificate Check your merits are in order - and
    Transcript of Records  
    Proof of English Skill  


    ### No documents requested below should be sent to Department of Media Studies - only upload to or ###


    When to Apply

    1st round: All applicants: October 16 - January 15
    2nd round: EU/EEA and Swiss citizens only: March 15 - April 15

    Admission Results

    1st round: Early April
    2nd round: Mid-July

    Where to Apply?

    The below links will only display results during open application rounds >> (English) >> (Swedish, active March 15 - April 15 only)

    What to Submit? Only upload!

    All Applicants - International and Swedish upload 1. and 2.

    Make sure you include these two forms in your application


    1. Letter of Intent in English -  Letter of Intent template (138 Kb)
    2. An extended abstract of your undergraduate thesis or equivalent academic research paper in English -  Cinema Studies Extended Abstract (175 Kb)

    Applicants with International/Foreign Study Merits - Three documents presented below to only upload

    Applicants with Foreign Study Merits must upload following documents

    1. Bachelor's degree certificate/diploma and transcripts from your undergraduate studies - instructions at >>
    2. Proof of English language skills - instructions at >>

    Applicants with Swedish Study Merits

    Most applicants with Swedish study merits (svensk gymnasieskola, högskola och universitet etc.) will have their merits retrieved automatically. Older merits may need to be submitted by post. Please review your merits and read more about how your merits are retrieved at

    Please do not submit any diplomas, transcrips, language tests or other merits to the Department of Media Studies. Diplomas, transcrips, language tests, and other merits need to be submitted via

    Always follow instructions from on how to submit your documents.

    Rules may differ depending on your country, please see visit for details on how to submit your documents. Some documents can be uploaded and some may need to be certified and sent by regular post.


    Kompletterande urvalskriterier


    If the number of applicants exceed the number of seats, applicants will be ranked. Applicants will be selected based on the quality of their previous academic studies, dissertation project or sample of written academic work, Letter of Intent. All parts will be considered and weighed together into a comprehensive assessment of the applicant’s merits.

    1. The quality of the submitted text in regards to scientific writing, theoretical and empirical knowledge and the relevance of the research topic for the field of Cinema Studies.
    2. The combination of courses in different (or same) subjects included in the Bachelor’s degree and performances in these courses (grades). Of special significance are courses in Cinema Studies, if the major of the undergraduate degree is another subject or discipline than Cinema Studies.
    3. Letter of Intent

    Waitlist Procedures and Policy

    Waitlisted applicants are very rarely admitted. Contact our International Coordinator for inquiries if you are reserve 1-5.

    Degree Requirements

    Bachelor’s degree in Cinema Studies, or the equivalent, including a major academic product (thesis) of at least 15 ECTS. The eligibility requirement "Bachelor degree in Cinema Studies or the equivalent" means that the applicant has: 

    1. an undergraduate degree in Cinema Studies or
    2. another degree in a nearby field of study with a sufficient number of credits in courses relevant to the field of Cinema Studies.
    • Practical experience from filmmaking or the film industry is not considered as equivalent to academic studies in the Field.
    • Students in their last year of undergraduate studies are eligible to apply. Admitted students MUST present a Bachelor's degree upon registration to enroll. Follow instructions from University Admissions in Sweden on how to document your eligibility. 
    • Degree copies may require certification, please follow instructions from University Admissions in Sweden.

    English Language Requirements

    The English language entry requirement is the equivalent of English language studies at an upper secondary level (post-16) in Sweden, known as English course B or 6. There are three ways of meeting the requirements:

    1. Through Upper Secondary studies (high school)
    2. Through previous university studies in English
    3. Through language tests (TOEFL, IELTS Academic, and others)

    Since rules are subject to change, please see visit the University Admissions website for details on how to meet our English language requirements. 



    Obligatorisk dokumentation


    All Applicants - International and Swedish 1. and 2.

    Make sure you include these two forms in your application


    1. Letter of Intent in English -  Letter of Intent template (138 Kb)
    2. An extended abstract of your undergraduate thesis or equivalent academic research paper in English -  Cinema Studies Extended Abstract (175 Kb)

    Applicants with International/Foreign Study Merits - Three documents presented below

    Applicants with Foreign Study Merits must upload following documents:

    1. Bachelor's degree certificate/diploma and transcripts from your undergraduate studies - instructions at >>
    2. Proof of English language skills - instructions at >>

    Applicants with Swedish Study Merits

    Most applicants with Swedish study merits (svensk gymnasieskola, högskola och universitet etc.) will have their merits retrieved automatically. Older merits may need to be submitted by post. Please review your merits and read more about how your merits are retrieved at

  • Mer information

    What is Cinema Studies? 

    Cinema Studies is the study of moving images and screen cultures centered around film, film experience, and phenomena surrounding films. Historically, it ranges from image cultures before film, to the screens and digital platforms of today. The field is broad and can be found at institutions around the world under the designations of Film Studies, Television Studies, Media Studies, Visual Arts, Cultural Studies, Film and Media History, and Moving Image Studies. 

    The objects of study can be specific films, production cultures, genre, auteur, intermedial and trans-medial relations, archives, circulation and distribution, reception (audience, critique), film culture, media industries, institutional frameworks (legal, political, economic), technological arrangements or streaming platforms. 

    Approaches and perspectives applied can be genre or narrative analysis, aesthetics, auteur criticism, reception studies, critique of filmic representations, post-colonial or gender perspectives, celebrity culture, or perspectives from political economy and cultural studies. 

    The field is informed by Literature, History and Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Anthropology, Linguistics, Psychology, Sociology, and Economics. Cinema Studies at Stockholm University is focused on historical perspectives and key medial moments of transformation, Ingmar Bergman, as well as contemporary film and mediascapes. 

    The language of instruction is English. 

    FAQ Master’s Programme in Cinema Studies, 120/60 ECTS


    1. How much is the tuition fee? 
      There are no tuition fees for EU/EEA and Swiss citizens. Other applicants can find the fee of any course/program in our course catalogue by clicking on the text: "Tuition fees only concern citizens outside the EU, EES and Switzerland"
    2. When is the application deadline?
      All applicants/international applicants: January 15. EU/EEA/Swiss applicants only: April 15. Deadlines are repeated every year.
    3. There are two application codes at the university admissions website - which one do I use and are they for the same program?
      Yes, they are for the same program, but for different application periods and applicants. Only one is open at any given time.
    4. My thesis is not written in English, do I have to translate it?
      Yes please, translate at least the abstract or summary into English.
    5. Is the Program taught in English?
      Yes, all advanced level (graduate level) in Cinema Studies, including courses offered within the Master's Program are given exclusively in English. No knowledge in Swedish is necessary.
    6. The application should include a copy of degree dissertation or sample of written academic work, what does this mean?
      A sample of written academic work is an analytic text using a reference system or style manual (ex. Chicago, Oxford or Harvard) of any length. Usually, students send their degree dissertation, but it could also be an essay or an article. It could be a text you have written during your previous education or it could be a text you have written specifically for the application.
    7. What should the Letter of Intent include?
      Please follow the template provided on the Application page.
    8. What are the academic requirements?
      See our Requirements page
    9. My Bachelor's degree is not in Cinema Studies - can I still apply?
      You need to have a BA that has given you enough knowledge and experience to follow advanced courses in Cinema Studies and write an academic master’s degree thesis. Our students usually have a background in Humanities and some in Social Sciences. Your degree should have given you experience to approach academic literature critically and to write academic texts using referencing systems. The programme requires you to read large amounts of theoretical literature and to approach cultural expressions, such as cinema, with an analytical mindset. If you have a degree in Natural Sciences, in Business, Economy or from a practical art school, you might be less likely to fulfil these requirements. If you have a practical degree in Filmmaking, it would also have to include a number of courses on Film Theory or Film History.
    10. If I am in the final year of my BA, can I still apply?
      Yes, but you must provide documentation to prove that you are on track to graduate when applying. You must present your Bachelor's degree to us to register for studies. Follow instructions on how to document your eligibility at the University Admissions website.
    11. Do you offer any scholarships?
      Yes, mostly for non-EU/EEA or Swiss students. Scholarships for studies at SU
    12. I have questions about my international grades and exams, who will help me?
      Contact the Stockholm University Admissions Office or University Admissions in Sweden.
    13. Where can I find key dates and deadlines for the application?
      Please visit for current information. Qualified applicants will also receive information directly from the Department after the January/April application deadline.
    14. When does the Program begin?
      In late August/early September every fall semester. There is no spring admission.
    15. Can I complete the Program in one year?
      Yes, there is a 1-year/60 ECTS option. Please state in your application that you want to complete your degree in one year. See the Education Plan for more information about the 1-year option.
    16. I missed the international deadline - can I apply in the second round closing April 15?
      Only if you are a EU/EEA or Swiss citizen.
    17. I missed the deadline and the online application is still open – can I still apply?
      Yes, but late applicants cannot be admitted unless all other qualified applicants have declined their admission offers. The comparative quality between applications from qualified applicants with applications submitted on time and late qualified applicants is irrelevant. Late applicants are admitted by the order of time when a complete online application was submitted.
    18. I am planning to apply for scholarships as well, when do I apply?
      In the first round October 16 - January 15
    19. Why can't I send all my application documents to you at the Department directly?
      ID-documents, transcripts, diplomas, degrees, and other documents concering your eligibility are scanned and verified at a central scanning facility and accessed electronically by admissions officers who assess your eligibility. Your application must be available to the person with the right expertise and can therefore not only be sent to the Department.
    20. How do I certify my documents?
      Follow instructions at
    21. Will I have to pay any tuition fees? Only if you are a non-EU/EEA or Swiss citizen.
    22. I am a non-EU/EEA or Swiss citizen - how much are tuition and fees?
      Application and tuition fees are adjusted on a year-by-year basis. You will find the cost for each course/program in our course catalogue by clicking on the text: "Tuition fees only concern citizens outside the EU, EES and Switzerland"
    23. Where can I find semester dates?
      Please consult the University's Academic Calendar
    24. Will Stockholm University help me find accommodation? No. All national/international master’s students, need to find accommodation on their own. Helpful information is available from the SU Housing Office.
    25. My question remains unanswered after reading everything on your website and at - where can I turn?
      Please call or e-mail using the contact details found on this page.

    The programme on our website

  • Möt oss

    Möt våra forskare

    Researchers in Cinema Studies

  • Kontakt

    Regarding application information 

    Regarding courses and education

    Student counsellor:

    Regarding exchange studies

    The programme on our website