Advice concerning good environmental choices

Cars and other vehicles – rent, lease, or buy

Government agencies are required to rent, lease, or buy eco-friendly cars and other vehicles.  In the ordinance (2009:1) on environmental and road safety requirements for government agency cars and car travel, you can read more about how to set the right environmental criteria when renting, leasing, or buying cars and other vehicles. 


Fruit baskets

The SU Shop has baskets of organic fruit for sale. Growing fruit organically means that no artificial fertilisers or chemical pesticides are allowed. Ecolabels for organic fruit include KRAV (label for food produced in an environmentally friendly and ethical way) and Fairtrade (label with social and environmental standards). 






Office equipment

Computers, computer monitors, and copiers are examples of office equipment purchased by the University. When purchasing any type of office equipment, it is important to consider the total energy use during the product’s lifecycle.  Compare electricity use in standby and active modes.

When purchasing copiers or multifunctional office devices, functions such as double-sided printing and copying, code systems for printing, and toner saving modes are important aspects to consider.

Ecolabels for office equipment include the Nordic Ecolabel (Svanen - label for environmental performance), Energy Star (label for energy efficiency), and TCO (certification based on quality, energy use, and eco-friendliness).

All the University’s SUA computers meet the Energy Star requirements.


                                                                Office supplies

The SU Shop has a wide selection of office supplies to choose from, and the ecolabels can be helpful when making purchases.

When buying scratch paper, choose a brand carrying an ecolabel. Avoid paper that is coloured or coated in wax, plastic, or non-water-soluble glue, as this paper is more difficult to recycle.

When buying pens, you will find ecolabelled (Nordic Ecolabel) pens for whiteboards, highlighting, and flip charts. Refillable pens are a better option than disposable pens. Choose a pen with a body made of recycled material, such as a disposable pen with a body made of recycled paper, or a ballpoint pen made of recycled polypropylene plastic. Svenskt Arkiv ballpoint pen is an example of a pen made of recycled material.

Binders made of recycled materials, both recycled paper and polypropylene plastic, are also available, so ask for these when making a purchase.



The choice of coffee is, for the most part, governed by taste and price. The taste is affected by where the coffee beans were grown, as well as the roasting of the beans.

Organically grown coffee is often grown together with other, larger plants that protect the coffee shrub from direct sunlight and reduce evaporation from the soil. No artificial fertilisers or chemical pesticides are used.

When buying coffee, there are two ecolabels to guide you: KRAV (environmental considerations) and Fairtrade (social and environmental considerations). The SU Shop sells coffee featuring both ecolabels.

Copy paper

The copy paper for sale in the SU Shop carries the EU Ecolabel. The paper is made without chlorine bleach (Total Chlorine Free).

Copy paper affects the environment in several stages, from harvesting to emissions from the pulp and paper mills, and finally as waste.

When buying copy paper, the following aspects must be taken into account: quality, function, price, and the environment. The ecolabel is a good indication that the paper is eco-friendly.






Envelopes with a printed University logo carry the Nordic Ecolabel. This means that the paper has been reviewed on the basis of its environmental impact throughout its life cycle, from raw material to waste, by a third party.

When buying envelopes, it is easiest to choose ecolabelled ones to make sure the paper is eco-friendly.

Toners and ink cartridges

Choose toners and ink cartridges that can be reused. These usually carry the Nordic Ecolabel and are for sale in the SU Shop.

A toner cartridge carrying the Nordic Ecolabel can be reused at least four times, and the toner powder contains no toxic or hazardous chemicals. There are also ink cartridges that can be reused.

Printing services

The environmental impact of printing services mainly comes from chemicals and energy use. If you want to make sure that printed material is eco-friendly, demand that it meets the requirements of an ecolabel. The Nordic Ecolabel is the ecolabel used for printed material.

More information about eco-friendly printed material can be found in the manual for visual identity.
