Applications can be submitted 1 August – 15 June, minimum 6 weeks before the planned mobility


1. Find a host university

Staff Training Mobility doesn´t require an Erasmus+ bilateral exchange agreement. However, it might be easier to arrange a staff training mobility with a partner university. For further information please contact the International Coordinator at your department. You can then contact the host organisation directly to investigate staff mobility opportunities. Participant and host organisation must agree in advance to the visiting staffs training programme. 

You are not allowed to do your Staff Training at one of the following organizations:

  • All EU Institutions
  • National Agencies that manage EU Programs

2. Application instructions

Before the mobility

1. Make sure the Head of Department/Unit (or aquivalent) approves your mobility as any cost not covered by the Erasmus+ grant shall be paid by the department. 

2. Fill out the document "   Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement for Training (73 Kb)  " and get it signed by all parties. Digital signatures are accepted. 

Importante note: EU Commission requires that the staff mobility is connected to your tasks at Stockholm University. It is therefore important that you describe you task and your current position and how the staff mobility will contribute to your work. 

4. Fill in the online-application form and upload your signed Mobility Agreement and training programme: Link to the online-application form 

5. After submitting the application, you will receive an email, which you need to send to to complete your application. 

If the application is approved the following steps apply: 

1. The document "Erasmus+ Grant Agreement for Training Mobility" has to be signed - before the start of the mobility. The document will be sent to you together with the approval.

2. Make sure you have a valid European Health Insurance Card from Försäkringskassan and bring it with you during your exchange.

3. Ask the the responsible person at your department/unit to issue a travel insurance certificate (Kammarkollegiets tjänsteförsäkring) and bring it with you during your mobility.

During the mobility

Before you return home, make sure to have the document "Certificate of Attendance” signed by the host organisation. A template is sent to you together with the approval.

After the mobility

1. Fill out an online survey - Erasmus Participant Report. A link will be sent to your e-mail after the mobility.

2. Upload your Certificate of Attendance in the Erasmus+ Portal.  

3. Do your expense report as usual at your home department and ask the economy officer at your department to send an internal invoice (EBINSI) to the Student Services (670 - Lindmara Kurdari).


Erasmus funds are limited and are granted on a first come first serve basis (max. 2 applications/year). 



Questions shall be directed to Student Services, Erasmus CoordinatorContact