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Medical certificate from day 8

Keep in contact

Assessment, day 8–14


Toolbox, day 8–14

Medical certificate from day 8

From the eighth day of sick leave, the employee must submit a medical certificate to their manager. The medical certificate must be submitted in full – only the diagnosis may be concealed. The employee has the right to choose their own doctor, except in cases where you as manager have requested a medical certificate earlier than the eighth day (such as for a day one medical certificate), in which case the employee should go through occupational health care.

The medical certificate must be submitted in as quickly as possible. If there are problems getting in contact with the doctor, or if the appointment is booked after day eight, the employee must consult you as manager so that you know why the medical certificate is delayed. However, it is important that the medical certificate applies from day eight and onwards, which may mean that the doctor will need to issue the certificate retroactively.

The part of the medical certificate that includes information on the extent of sick leave (%), the period of sickness, the employee's name and Swedish personal identity number should then be forwarded to the payroll section at the HR Office.

Keep all medical certificates and other documentation relating to a case organised and secure.

Handling incomplete medical certificates

It is the employee's responsibility to prove that their work capacity has been reduced through a medical certificate. The employee must also submit other details that are needed in order to identify their need of rehabilitation, such as decisions from Försäkringskassan. If a medical certificate does not contain sufficient information for you as manager to be able to make that assessment, the employee should contact their doctor to have their certificate completed.

Keep in contact

Keep a continual dialogue with the employee. It is good to follow up on information contained in the medical certificate and ask questions about the prognosis for a return to work. You need to continue investigating possible occupational rehabilitation measures to increase the likelihood of a return to work. If the employee does not have any capacity for work at all, you can discuss whether there is any other way to maintain good contact with the workplace, such as by participating in group activities and visits. For more information, see contact call (guide).

If it appears that the employee will be off sick for a long period of time, you can send them Rehabilitation – Information sheet for employees. You may print the information sheet and post it to the employee's home address. You could mention this to the employee during your contact call.

Assessment, day 8–14

Entitlement to sick pay

Based on the details contained in the medical certificate, you as manager must assess the employee's entitlement to sick pay. Just as previously, an employee's entitlement to sick pay depends on their capacity for work being reduced due to sickness, in relation to regular work. The employee can choose to work more than what is stated in the medical certificate, but never less.

Entitlement to sick leave

If you as manager have assessed that the employee is entitled to sick pay, they may also be absent from work.

Occupational measures

It may be clear from the medical certificate or elsewhere that it would be relevant to put occupational measures in place in the form of temporary adjustments, work training, adjusted travel to work etc., in which case it is important that you book a meeting together with the employee and start planning for a return to work.

Occupational health care

If, as manager, you see the need for it, it can be good to involve occupational health care at an early stage. For example, it may be appropriate in cases involving suspected substance abuse, work-related ill health, stress issues etc. It is also possible to call occupational health care for advice on your case.

Occupational health care are experts on the connection between medical conditions and work, and they can provide you as manager with support and advice during the rehabilitation process. Occupational health care have skills available in the form of case managers (rehabilitation coordinators), occupational doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists and more. As manager, you can call in occupational health care even if the employee has retained their own doctor from the regular healthcare system. However, occupational health care may never offer any medical treatment. Read more about our occupational health care or see Avonova's website.

In case of occupational disease or work injuries

If it appears from the medical certificate or elsewhere that the sick leave is due to work or occupational injury, a report must be filled in IA System. Note that stress-related complaints that are linked with work can be classified as an occupational disease and should therefore also be reported in IA System. Follow the procedures found in work injuries and incidents (in Swedish).


Remember to document all important events, assessments and decisions relating to the case. Feel free to use the notes template found in the toolbox below.

Toolbox, day 8–14

Contact call, guide (137 Kb)

Information sheet for employees (390 Kb)

Map for managers – occupational rehabilitation (picture) (199 Kb)

Notes template – rehabilitation (165 Kb)

Rehabilitation calendar – important dates (37 Kb)