Content of the attached file “ERC Advanced Grant 2024 – Information at SU”:

  • Internal deadline
  • Support by our office
  • Important ERC documents and links related to ERC AdG 2024
  • Important novelties in ERC AdG 2024
  • Advice Note
  • ERC classes on YouTube


Attached files:

  • ERC Advanced Grant 2024 – Information at SU
  • Final template for ERC AdG 2024 part B1; to be uploaded in the submission system
  • Final template for ERC AdG 2024 part B2; to be uploaded in the submission system
  • Equipment depreciation table; to be uploaded in the submission system
  • Example of full Parts A and B; not to fill in
  • Excel file for budget; a few numbers need to be copied into the submission system (ask administrartive personnel regarding updated LKP value on the first page)
  • Advice note
  • How to add Main Host Institution Contact in your proposal (mandatory)


Lars Emrén,