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Stockholm University Scholarships

Here you will find information about the Stockholm University scholarships. If you are a PhD student or a researcher at the university you can apply for scholarships from the university’s scholarship trusts. Scholarships from various donation funds are announced in the middle of March every year and travel scholarships from the Liljevalch/Augustinsson scholarship funds at the end of January. Application forms are released in connection with the announcement.
Please note that we cannot offer general advice/information about the scholarships.

Student in a laboratory. Photo: Eva Dalin

Liljevalch's and Augustinsson's Travel Grants

Travel grants for PhD students of the Faculty of Science. These grants are awarded annually and the call for applications occurs in January each year.

Södra huset on Campus Frescati. Foto: Eva Dalin

Donation Scholarships

These scholarships are intended for students who are registered at Stockholm University at the time of application and who intend to remain so the following academic year. All faculties prioritize PhD students when awarding scholarships.

