During your studies

You find information for students studying at Stockholm Business School here - information that is important to know when you are a student with us.

As a program student at SBS, you must either apply for your courses via universityadmissions.se or answer a questionnaire from SBS before each semester. Just before the start of the semester, you must also remember to register yourself for SBS courses in Ladok.

Here you can see a film about how to submit to courses within the program you attend via universityadmissions.se. You will find more information about different programs and what courses they contain under the heading Register for a new semester within the programme.



Here you will find the courses within your programme that you must register at antagning.se for before each semester.

Bachelors programme in International Business and Politics

Semester 2-6

Bachelors programme in Business, Ethics and Sustainability

Semester 2-6


Stockholm Business School´s learning platform is called Athena. Each course/ programme has its own Athena site and you join your course/programme site automatically by registering for the course. All course-specific communication takes place through Athena. Here you will find your schedule, course syllabus, course material, assignments.

To get to your course site in Athena, you must be registered for the course (check on Ladok for students) and have an activated university account. If you still cannot find your course in Athena, please contact the course coordinators.

Here you will find Athena

Here you will find information on how to get started with Athena

At the Service Portal you will find questions and answers about Athena

You can contact the Helpdesk if you have questions about Athena. Ask your question in the Service Portal or call 08-16 19 99. You can, among other things, get help with resetting your password.

Athena app for iPhone or Android

You can download a free app and use Athena on your cell phone or iPad. The app is called Itslearning and is available for iPhone and Android.
Here you will find instructions on how to download the app.


Tips on where to find course literature

At Frescati there are:

Other tips:

  • Bokus
  • Adlibris
  • Facebook group "Discussion forum for business students at Stockholm University" (Föreningen Ekonomerna)

Everything you need to know

We have gathered information that is good to have during your studies with us.

Stockholm University takes cheating very seriously. By cheating is meant, for example, that students cooperate in an unauthorized manner, bring or use unauthorized aids (for example cheating, unauthorized notes, internet searches, mobile phones) or otherwise try to mislead during examination.

Plagiarism is also a form of cheating and means that students in an exam use their own (self-plagiarism) or others’ texts and ideas without correctly referencing the original source. At Stockholm Business School, the text comparison tool Ouriginal is used to check the authenticity of all texts that are submitted for examination.

Suspicion of cheating is first investigated by the department. If the department deems that there is a well-founded suspicion of cheating, the department reports the matter to the Office of the President, which in turn can submit the case to the university’s Disciplinary Board. Cheating can lead to students being warned or suspended from their studies for up to six months. A suspension is registered as a temporary interruption in the studies and can affect study grants but also the right to student housing. A decision of suspension usually applies immediately.

You are responsible for ensuring that the rules that apply and the instructions you receive regarding examinations are followed.

Students who are accused or suspected of misleading during an examination can contact Föreningen Ekonomerna (student union at SBS) for advice and support when suspicion of cheating is directed at the student. If you are unsure of what applies to an examination, contact the head of course.


An academic approach and way of acting are a vital part of good scientific practice and cornerstones of all higher education. Stockholm Business School (SBS) has developed a code of conduct for how students are expected to approach their studies and behave towards peers, teachers, administrative staff and as representatives of Stockholm University.

As a student at SBS, you are expected to:

  • Value academic integrity, apply good research practice, independence, scientific methods, accuracy in the implementation of individual work, group projects and degree theses.
  • Contribute to a well-functioning and respectful collaboration with your peers in joint assignments.
  • Refrain from cheating in examinations, for example plagiarism, cooperating when it is not allowed, or using aids without special permission.
  • Contribute to the quality of education by answering course and programme evaluations.
  • Work for a safe, tolerant, open-minded and inclusive study and work environment, free from discrimination, abusive behavior and harassment.
  • Affirm people’s equal value, rights, opportunities and obligations, regardless of gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, functional variation, sexual orientation and age.
  • Carefully study course and programme syllabi, rules for education and examination and other information about your education.
  • Take responsibility for arriving on time for scheduled teaching.
  • Update your contact information in Ladok and Athena so as not to miss important information.
  • Refrain from recording, filming and photographing educational situations. Respect that material recorded by SBS may not be published on websites or in social media.

If you have previous studies within the framework of your education at Stockholm University you can apply for a credit transfer of theses courses.

Information about and how to apply can be found on the Degree web page under the heading Credit Transfer.

At SBS, an examination is an essential and prominent part of the student's learning. All learning activities in a course are examined on an ongoing basis. This places high demands on the individual student to take responsibility for their studies and their learning, while at the same time giving the student a more significant opportunity to influence and control their study performance.

Continuous examination

Exemption (postponement) from an examination part means that a student who submits a valid and written certified reason (illness/hospital stay substantiated with a medical certificate) can instead complete an examination part at the next subsequent examination occasion, and with retained points from previous examination parts. The exemption application is submitted to the director of studies as soon as possible after the current examination component.

The granted exemption only applies during the semester following next.
For the weight of the examination part in relation to the comprehensive examination, reference is made to the course syllabus on the course page.

The exemption application for planned absence is submitted together with a written certified reason to the Director of Studies no later than at the start of the course. For a form and more information about the application process, contact the director of studies.

If you want to take a break or stop studying the program, you can report a study break or interruption to the program with the forms below. If you become ill and cannot study, you must notify the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) of your illness.

What is a study break?

The provisions on study breaks are found in Chapter 7. Section 22 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993: 100). A study break is a planned break from the studies in the program for one or a maximum of two semesters in a row. Reasons for study breaks are:

  • parental leave
  • care of children
  • sick leave for a more extended period   
  • conscription or civilian service   
  • student union assignments
  • fixed-term probationary employment within the Armed Forces.

The reason for the study break must be substantiated with a certificate (sent together with the application for a study break). A granted study break is registered in Ladok. You will receive a certificate of this which you can present if needed to, for example, CSN or Försäkringskassan (the Swedish Social Insurance Agency) and you will receive information on how to register for the next semester after the break. During the break, you cannot be re-registered for courses within the program for remaining studies.

What is a study interruption?

An interruption in the program may mean that you intend not to resume your studies. It may also mean that you want to take a break from your studies, for reasons other than those stated for study breaks above. This may, for example, apply if you want to work instead of studying or try another education.
An interruption is added to Ladok (www.student.ladok.se).

If you interrupt term one early, you can apply for the program again via antagning.se but not with a guaranteed place. If you take a break after semester one and want to resume your studies later for semester two-six, you must contact study counselors no later than April 1st and October 1st, respectively, before the semester in which you want to resume your studies.

In this case we remove the interruption and you can apply with a guaranteed place within the program for the next semester. To be able to apply with a guaranteed place, you are allowed a break of a maximum of three semesters. If you get in touch later than April 1st and October 1st, respectively, we cannot guarantee a place for you until the next semester. When you have a break, you cannot be re-registered for courses within the program or remaining studies.

Notification of study interruption

Application for study leave

As a student, you can print a digital Ladok certificate of your study results in the university's web portal Ladok for students. The certificate will be in the form of a pdf file that you can save on your computer, print or send by e-mail. The recipient can then verify the certificate by going to a particular website and, by entering the unique code contained on each certificate, get to see an exact copy of this.
The course coordinators can also provide performance and registration certificates in Swedish and English at SBS, Kräftriket or via Infocenter in Studenthuset.

Ladok for students


The career portal Highered

As a student at Stockholm Business School you have access to the career portal Highered, filled with open positions abroad. Highered is perfect if you are an international student looking for work in your home country, or a Swedish student looking for work abroad. When creating an account in Highered, you must use your university e-mail address with the extension student.su.se.

Visit Highered

Föreningen Ekonomerna - Job Forum

Föreningen Ekonomerna has a close collaboration with the business sector, and continously get career opportunities for business students at Stockholm Business School. It can be both full, part-time or internship positions.

Read more at Föreningen Ekonomerna Job Forum


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