Digitalization scholars meet at SBS

On September 19th, more than a dozen SBS scholars met up for a full day on campus to share their experiences of researching digitalization.

Thrilled that the workshop was able to attract participants from all of the School’s four sections, the organizer Professor Torkild Thanem stated that "The purpose was simply to create a meeting space where digitalization scholars based at SBS can explore commonalities and differences, learn from each other, and pursue joint interests."

Professor Torkild Thanem
Professor Torkild Thanem

Indeed, SBS scholars are investigating digitalization from a variety of angles using a variety of methods.

"Take Dr Lu Liu in the Finance section," Torkild continued, "who is using network analysis to investigate how companies are using AI to manage climate change risk. Or Dr Jonathan Schöps in Marketing, who is developing digital methods to examine how big media corporations are exploiting consumers through platformized spaces closed off from public view. Or Dr Nick Butler in the Management section, who is conducting interviews and observations to investigate how data-driven analytics are transforming the nature and scope of leadership in digitalized work environments."
No doubt, digitalization is an important phenomenon which continues to shape organizations, markets and societies, and the lives and work of individuals therein. For those who missed out on the September workshop there is no reason to despair: SBS scholars are already planning more seminars and workshops to plunge further into the problems and opportunities of digitalization. They are also setting up an online resource on the SBS website to display the many efforts by SBS scholars to research different aspects of digitalization.