Reconstruction of War-Affected Municipalities in Ukraine

The conference "Rethinking Cities in Ukraine" was organized for three days from April 29th to May 1st. Representatives from various municipalities in Ukraine, participants from Sweden, and other European countries attended the conference.

The responsible organizer was Ragnar Lund from Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University. This conference was the culmination of a six-month capacity-building program focusing on spatial planning for recovery and strategic sustainable development of communities in eastern Ukraine.

Representatives from five hromadas, municipalities, located near the front line in eastern Ukraine and affected by the war, presented pilot projects addressing various needs for rebuilding their communities and strategies for urgent yet long-term city reconstruction. The conference allowed Swedish and international stakeholders to explore collaborative efforts with decision-makers from the Ukrainian municipalities.

It has been very valuable to gather the Ukrainian municipalities from the capacity development program here in Stockholm. In order to create collaborations and mobilize resources effectively, we need to listen to the local needs and understand how we can collaborate in the best possible way, says Ragnar Lund.

The first day of the conference was hosted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and brought together 120 Swedish and international stakeholders. Speakers from Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Helsinki, Dresden, Berlin, Brussels, Vienna and Stockholm met with mayors and community leaders from Lozova, Nizhyn, Nikopol, and Sumy to discuss financing and implementing reconstruction pilot projects and how to build human capital at the local level.

Ragnar Lund welcomes all participants.
Ragnar Lund welcomes all participants.
Presentation of Oleksandra Azarkhina Deputy Minister of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure
Presentation of Oleksandra Azarkhina, Deputy Minister of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine (Kyiv)
Lozova hromada team presenting
Lozova hromada team presenting
Nizhyn hromada team presenting
Nizhyn hromada team presenting.
Sumy hromada team presenting
Sumy hromada team presenting.
Nikopol hromada team presenting
Nikopol hromada team presentin
The day concluded with a networking dinner at Spökslottet
The day concluded with a networking dinner at Spökslottet, Stockholm University's representation venue.

Study visits

On the second day, the Ukrainian delegation visited Stockholm City Hall to meet with the city's mayor and local officials in urban planning and sustainable development. They discussed shared interests and potential partnerships with Swedish municipalities and the Stockholm County Council. Key presentations included:

  • City Planning and Development
  • Process Circular Economy in Urban
  • Construction Stockholm Region International collaborations

A study visit, organized in collaboration with StorSthlm, presented best practices at Henriksdal Wastewater Treatment Plant. This was followed by a visit to Stockholmsrummet, located at Kulturhuset, for a discussion about spatial planning and sustainable housing in collaboration with Swedish housing and development company.

The Ukrainian delegation on a study visit at Henriksdal Wastewater Treatment Plant
The Ukrainian delegation on a study visit at Henriksdal Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The 30th of April concluded with Swedish Valborg bonfire celebrations at Skansen
The 30th of April concluded with Swedish Valborg bonfire celebrations at Skansen.
The third day included city visits and meetings at the Stockholm University Campus Albano
The third day included city visits and meetings at the Stockholm University Campus Albano.

The conference "Rethinking Cities in Ukraine" concluded a six-month capacity-building initiative by the Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University, and the Ro3kvit Urban Coalition, with support from the Swedish Institute.
For more information: Ragnar Lund, PhD, Conference Organizer and Director/Initiator of "Rethinking Cities in Ukraine" at the Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University
Tel: +46708745284