
Here is a selection of English publications produced within the framework of STLS work.

Maria Andrée & Inger Eriksson (2020). A research environment for teacher-driven research–some demands and possibilities. International Journal of Lesson and Learning Studies, 9(1), 67-77. DOI 10.1108/IJLLS-02-2019-0015.

Marie Björk & Gunilla Pettersson-Berggren (2015). Teachers developing teaching: A comparative study on critical features for pupils’ perception of the number line. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 4(4), 383-400.

Silvia Kunitz, Jessica Berggren, Malin Haglind, Anna Löfquist (2022). Getting students to talk: A practice-based study on the design and implementation of problem-solving tasks in the EFL classroom. Languages, 7(2), 75;

Kai-Larsen, Marie Rimeslåtten, Attila Szabo, & Paul Andrews (2022). Swedish students’ exploration of trigonometrical relationships: GeoGebra and protractors yield qualitatively different insights.

Jonathon Mckeever & Laura Runceanu (2022). Replay the game and teach for understanding: exploring the use of video tagging in an invasion games unit. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2022.2097653

Andrée, M., & Eriksson, I. (2020). A research environment for teacher-driven research–some demands and possibilities. International Journal of Lesson and Learning Studies, 9(1).

Kai-Larsen, E., Rimeslåtten, M., Szabo, A., & Andrews, P. (2022). Swedish students’ exploration of trigonometrical relationships: GeoGebra and protractors yield qualitatively different insights. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12).

Kunitz, S., Berggren, J., Haglind, M. & Löfquist, A. (2022). Getting students to talk: A practice-based study on the design and implementation of problem-solving tasks in the EFL classroom. Languages, 7(2), 75.

Mckeever, J., & Runceanu , L. (2022). Replay the game and teach for understanding: exploring the use of video tagging in an invasion games unit. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. E-publicering före tryck.

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