* Hällsten, M., Szulkin, R. and Sarnecki, J. (2013) "Crime as a Price of Inequality? The Gap in Registered Crime between Childhood Immigrants, Children of Immigrants and Children of Native Swedes", British Journal of Criminology, fortcoming

* Pernilla Andersson Joona och Eskil Wadensjö, “The Best and the Brightest or the Least Successful? Self-Employment Entry among Male Wage-Earners in Sweden”, Small Business Economics, Vol. 40(1), s. 155–172, 2013.


* Andersson Joona, Pernilla and Nekby, Lena “Intensive Coaching of New Immigrants: An Evaluation Based on Random Program Assignment”, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 144(2), 575-600

* Bursell, Moa, "Name change and Destigmatization among Middle Eastern Immigrants in Sweden", Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 35(3), 471-487

* Lundborg, Per (2012) "Refugees Employment Integration in Sweden: Cultural Distance and Labour Market Performance", forthcoming in Review of International Economics.

* Behtoui, Alireza and Anders Neergaard (2012), "Social capital, Status and Income Attainment in the Workplace", International journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Volume 32 issue 1/2, pp. 42-55

* Rydgren, J. and Ruth, P. 2012. "Contextual Explanations of Radical Right-Wing Support in Sweden: Socioeconomic Marginalization, Group Threat, and the Halo Effect." Ethnic and Racial Studies: Forthcoming.

* Celikaksoy, Aycan (2012), "Intergenerational Transmission of Interethnic Union Formation Patterns in Sweden", Migration Letters, Vol. 9(2), 101-114

* Haandrikman, Karen och Leo J.G. van Wissen (2012), "Explaining the
flight of Cupid's arrow: A spatial micro model of partner choice",
European Journal of Population, forthcoming.

* Haandrikman, Karen och Inge Hutter (2012), "‘That’s a different kind of
person’ - Spatial connotations and partner choice",  Population, Space
and Place 18(3), 241-259.

* Khosravi, Shahram (2011), "White Masks/Muslim Names: Name Changes among Muslim Immigrants in Sweden", Race and Class, Vol. 53(3), 65-80

* Andersson Joona, Pernilla och Eskil Wadensjö, "Being employed by a co-national: A cul-de-sac or a short cut to the main road of the labour market? Journal of International Migration and Integration, Vol. 13(1),(2012), 99-120.


* Arai, M., Karlsson, J. and Lundholm, M. "On Fragile Grounds: A replication of "Are Muslim immigrants different in terms of cultural integration?"", Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 9(5), 1002–1011

* Chiswick, B. R. and Miller, P. W., The "Negative" Assimilation of Immigrants: A Special Case, Indutrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 64(3), 502–525

* Hedberg, Charlotta and Pettersson, Katarina (2011), "Disadvantage, Ethnic Niching or Pursuit of a Vision? Motives of Immigrant Women Care Entrepreneurs in the Ageing Swedish Society", forthcoming in Journal of International Migration and Integration

* Asplund, R. E. Barth, P.Lundborg and K.M. Nilsen (2011): "Polarization of the Nordic Labour markets", Finnish Economic Papers, Vol 24/2), Autumn.

* Ruzza, C. and Rydgren, J. eds. 2011. Populism and Civil Society. Acta Politica: 46(2).

* Rydgren, J. and Ruth, P. 2011. "Voting for the Radical Right in Swedish Municipalities: Social Marginality and Ethnic Competition?" Scandinavian Political Studies 34(3): 202-225.

* Rydgren, J. och Sofi, D. 2011. "Interethnic Relations in Northern Iraq: Brokerage, Social Capital, and the Potential for Reconciliation." International Sociology 26(1): 25-49.

* Haandrikman, Karen och Leo J.G. van Wissen (2011), "Regional variation
in short distance homogamy",  Genus 67(1), 45-59.

* Haandrikman, Karen, Leo J.G. van Wissen och Carel Harmsen (2011),
"Explaining spatial homogamy. Compositional, spatial and regional
cultural determinants of regional patterns of spatial homogamy in the
Netherlands". Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 4: 75-93.

* Haandrikman, Karen (2011)," Spatial homogamy: The geographical
dimensions of partner choice", Journal of Economic and Social Geography
102(1): 100-110.

* Andersson Joona, Pernilla, "The Native-Immigrant Income Gap among the Self-Employed in Sweden", International Migration, Vol. 49, August 2011, pp. 118-143.

* Bunar, Nihad, "Multicultural urban schools in Sweden and their communities: Social Predicament, the Power of Stigma and Relational Dilemmas", Urban Education, 2011, Vol. 46(2), 141-164

* Gerdes, Christer, "Using ‘shares’ vs. ‘log of shares’ in fixed-effect estimations", Journal of Economics and Econometrics, 2011, Vol. 54(1), 1-6

* Rydgren, J. (2011). "A Legacy of ‘Uncivicness’? Social Capital and Radical Right-wing Voting in Eastern Europe", 46(2): 132-157.

* Ruzza, C. och Rydgren, J. red. (2011). Populism and Civil Society. Special Issue. Acta Politica, Vol. 46(2)


* Khosravi, Shahram (2010), "An Ethnography of Migrant ‘Illegality’ in Sweden: Included yet Excepted?" Journal of International Political Theory, 6(1): 95-116

* Arai, M., Besancenot, D., Huynh, K. and Skalli, A., "Children's First Names and Immigration Background in France", International Migration, forthcoming.

* Andersson Joona, Pernilla, "Exits from Self-Employment: Is there a Native-Immigrant Difference in Sweden?", International Migration Review, Vol. 44 (3), Fall 2010, pp. 539-559.

* Johnston, R., Banting, K., Kymlicka, W. and Soroka, S.
National Identity and Support for the Welfare State
Canadian Journal of Political Science, vol. 43 (2), 2010: 349-377.

* Chiswick, B. R. and Houseworth, C. A., Ethnic Intermarriage among Immigrants: Human Capital and Assortative Mating, Review of Economics of the Household, Vol. 9(2), 149–180

* Bunar, N. (2010). The geographies of education and relationships in a multicultural city. Acta Sociologica Vol 53(2), 141-159.

* Çelikaksoy, A., Nekby, L. och Rashid, S., (2010), "Assortative Mating by Ethnic Background and Education among Individuals with an Immigrant Background in Sweden" Journal of Family Research (Zeitschift für Familienforschung), Volume 1: 65-88.

* Bunar, N. (2010). The Controlled School Market and Urban Schools in Sweden. Journal of School Choice, 4:47-73.

* Bygren, M. och Szulkin, R. (2010). "Ethnic environment during childhood and the educational attainment of immigrant children in Sweden", Social Forces, Vol. 88(3), 1305–1330

* Rydgren, J. (2010). “Radical Right-wing Populism in Denmark and Sweden: Explaining Party System Change and Stability.”, The SAIS Review of International Affairs, Vol. 30(1), 57–71

* Bunar, Nihad (2010). "Choosing for quality or inequality: current perspectives on the implementation of school choice policy in Sweden", Journal of Education Policy, Vol. 25, No. 1, 1-18.


* Rydgren, Jens (2009). “Cas Mudde: Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe.” American Journal of Sociology 114(5): 1551-1553.

* Nekby, Lena and Magnus Rödin “Acculturation Identity and Employment among Second and Middle Generation Immigrants”, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 31(1), 2010, pp 35-50.

* Andersson Joona, Pernilla and Eskil Wadensjö (2009), "The Employees of Native and Immigrant Self-Employed", Research in Labor Economics, vol. 29, pp. 229-250

* Rydgren, Jens, "Social Isolation? Social Capital and Radical
Right-wing Voting in Western Europe", Journal of Civil Society 5(2):

* Khosravi, Shahram, "Migrant Illegality in Sweden: an ethnographic
approach, under publicering i Journal of International Political Theory.

* Khosravi, Shahram, " Gender and Ethnicity among Iranian Men in Sweden", Journal of Iranian Studies, vol 42(4).

* Khosravi, Shahram, "Detention and Deportation of Asylum Seekers in Sweden", Race and Class, vol 50 (4)

* Nekby, Lena; Magnus Rödin and Gülay Özcan, "Acculturation and Higher Education. Is There a Trade-Off between Ethnic Identity and Education?" International Migration Review, Vol. 43(4), Winter 2009, pp. 938-973.

* Nielsen, Helena Skyt, Nina Smith och Aycan Celikaksoy, "The Effect of Marriage on Education of Immigrants: Evidence from a Policy Reform Restricting Marriage Migration", Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 111: 459-488.

* Hedberg, Charlotta, "Entrance, Exit and Exclusion: Labour Market Flows of Foreign Born Adults in Swedish 'Divided Cities'"; Urban Studies, 46(11), 2423-2446.

* Gerdes, Christer, "A Comparative Study of Net Transfers for Different Immigrant Groups: Evidence from Germany", under publicering i International Migration.

* Bygren, Magnus och Ryszard Szulkin, "Ethnic Environment during Childhood and the Educational Attainment of Immigrant Children in Sweden", under publicering i Social Forces.

* Mahmood Arai och Peter Skogman Thoursie, "Renouncing Personal Names: An Empirical Examination of Surname Change
and Earnings", Journal of Labor Economics Vol. 27, No. 1: 127-147.

* Shahram Khosravi, "An Ethnography of Migrant 'Illegality' in
Sweden: Included yet Excepted?" under publicering i Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.


* Çelikaksoy, Aycan, "Etniske Minoriteter: Hvad betyder valg af ægtefælle for beskæftigelsesmulighederne?” Social Forskning (4):10-11.

* Hedberg, Charlotta och Kaisa Kepsu, "Identity in Motion: Finland-Swedish Migration to Sweden", National Identities, Vol. 10(1):95-118. Special Issue: "Nation, State and Identity in Finland".

* Rydgren, Jens, "Immigration Sceptics, Xenophobes, or Racists? Radical Right-wing Voting in Six West European Countries." European Journal of Political Research 47(6): 737-765.

* Andersson Joona, Pernilla och Eskil Wadensjö, "A Note on Immigrant Representation in Temporary Agency Work and Self-employment in Sweden", Labour, Volume 22, Issue 3, 495-507.

* Nekby, Lena, Roger Vilhelmsson och Gülay Özcan, "Do Host Country Educations Even Out the Playing Field? Immigrant-Native Labor Market Gaps in Sweden", Journal Of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, Volume 6 Issue 2, 168-196.

* Bunar, Nihad: "The Free Schools “Riddle”: Between traditional social democratic, neo-liberal and multicultural tenets", Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Volume 52, Issue 4 , pages 423 - 438.

* Çelikaksoy, Aycan: "A wage premium or penalty: An analysis of endogamous marriage effects among the children of immigrants?" Danish Journal of Economics 2007 145 (3) pp. 288-311.

* Bunar, Nihad, "If we only had a few more Swedes here – multiculturalism, urban segregation and community discourse in young immigrants’ daily life", i Ungdomsforskning, nr. 1 och 2, årgång 7. University of Aarhus.


* Arai, Mahmood och Lena Nekby, "Gender and Ethnic Discrimination: An Introduction, Swedish Economic Policy Review, Vol. 14(1):3-6.

* Le Grand, Carl, "Comments on Ronald L. Oaxaca, 'The Challenge of Measuring Labor Market Disccrimination Against Women'" Swedish Economic Policy Review, Vol. 14(1):233-235.

* Hedberg, Charlotta, "Direction Sweden: Migration Fields and Cognitive Distances of Finland Swedes", Population, Space and Place, Vol. 13(6):455-470.

* Schröder, Lena, "From Problematic Objects to Resourceful Subjects: An Overview of Immigrant-Native Labour Market Gaps from a Policy Perspective", Swedish Economic Policy Review, Vol. 14(1):7-31.

* Wadensjö, Eskil, "Comments on Lena Schröder: 'From Problematic Objects to Resourceful Subjects: An Overview of Immigrant-Native Labour Market Gaps from a Policy Perspective'", Swedish Economic Policy Review, Vol. 14(1):33-39.

* Rydgren, Jens, "The Sociology of the Radical Right", Annual Review of Sociology, 33: 241-262.

* Rydgren, Jens, "The Power of the Past: A Contribution to a Cognitive Sociology of Ethnic Conflict", Sociological Theory , 25(3): 225-244.

* Wadensjö, Eskil, "Immigration and net transfers within the public sector in Denmark", European Journal of Political Economy, 23(2):472-485


* Lundborg, Per, "EU enlargement, migration and labor market institutions", i Journal of Labor Market Research, 39(1): 25-34, 2006.