Working Papers 2013:

Economic Progress and Social Cohesion for Migrants from Turkey and their Descendents in Sweden (400 Kb)
Aycan Celikaksoy

Immigrant Women and Entrepreneurship (293 Kb)
Martin Korpi, Charlotta Hedberg and Katarina Pettersson

Wage Effects of Immigration in a Bargaining Economy (187 Kb)
Per Lundborg

The labor market impact of refugee (816 Kb)
Joakim Ruist

Working Papers 2012:
Is There Really a Backlash Against Multiculturalism Policies? (618 Kb)
Keith Banting and Will Kymlicka

Are temporary work agencies stepping‐stones into regular employment? (360 Kb)
Joakim Hveem

Overeducation among Immigrants in Sweden: Incidence, Wage Effects and State-dependence (257 Kb)
Pernilla Andersson Joona, Nabanita Datta Gupta and Eskil Wadensjö

Accept or Reject: Do Immigrants Have Less Access to Bank Credit? (288 Kb) Evidence from Swedish Pawnshop customers
Marieke Bos


Working Papers 2011:

The Concept of ‘Diversity’ among Swedish Consultants (259 Kb)
Alejandro Leiva

Towards a Transnational Analysis of the Political Economy of Care (248 Kb)
Fiona Williams

Contact, Diversity, and Segregation (797 Kb)
Eric Uslaner

Matching Language Proficiency to Occupation: the Effect on Immigrants' Earnings (215 Kb)
Barry R. Chiswick and Paul W. Miller

Is It How You Look or Speak That Matters? (231 Kb) - An Experimental Study Exploring the Mechanisms of Ethnic Discrimination
Magnus Rödin and Gülay Özcan

Peers, neighborhoods and immigrant student achievement (254 Kb) - evidence from a placement policy
Olof Åslund, Per-Anders Edin, Peter Fredriksson, and Hans Grönqvist
Forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics

Crime as a Price of Inequality? (212 Kb) The Delinquency Gap between Children of Immigrants and Children of Native Swedes
Martin Hällsten, Jerzy Sarnecki and Ryszard Szulkin

Working Papers 2010:

Neighborhood and Friendship Composition in Adolescence (286 Kb)
Christofer Edling and Jens Rydgren

Inter- and Intra-Marriage Premiums Revisited: It’s probably who you are, not who you marry! (188 Kb)
Lena Nekby

National Identity and Support for the Welfare State (567 Kb)
published in the Canadian Journal of Political Science, vol.
43 (2), 2010: 349-377.
Richard Johnston, Keith Banting, Will Kymlicka and Stuart Soroka

Intergenerational Transmission of Education among Immigrant Mothers and their Daughters in Sweden (432 Kb)
Susan Niknami

The "Negative" Assimilation of Immigrants: A Special Case (264 Kb)
published in Indutrial and Labor Relations Review, vol. 64 (3), 2011: 502-525
Barry R. Chiswick and Paul W. Miller

Ethnic Intermarriage among Immigrants: Human Capital and Assortative Mating (264 Kb)
published in Review of Economics of the Household, vol. 9 (2), 2011; 149-180
Barry R. Chiswick and Christina A. Houseworth

Educational Mismatch: Are High-Skilled Immigrants Really Working at High-Skilled Jobs and the Price (304 Kb)
published in Barry R. Chiswick, ed. "High-Skilled Immigration in a Global Labor Market", Washington DC: American Enterprise Institute, January, 2011, pp. 109-154
Barry R. Chiswick and Paul W. Miller

'Neighbourhood Effects' and 'City Effects': Immigrants' Transition to Employment in Swedish Large Ci (662 Kb)
Charlotta Hedberg and Tiit Tammaru

Turkish Associations in Metropolitan Stockholm: (853 Kb)
Yasemin Akis and Mahir Kalaylioglu

Same, Same but (Initially) Different? The Social Integration of Natives and Immigrants in Sweden (307 Kb)
forthcoming in Yann Algan, Alberto Bisin, Alan Manning and Thierry Verdier (Eds), Cultural Integration Models in Europe, Oxford Economic Press
Lena Nekby

The impact of immigration on election outcomes in Danish municipalities (429 Kb)
Christer Gerdes and Eskil Wadensjö

Unpacking the Causes of Ethnic Segregation across Workplaces (220 Kb)
Magnus Bygren

Does Immigration Induce ‘Native Flight’ from Public Schools? (295 Kb)
Christer Gerdes

Working Papers 2009:

Surname change and destigmatization strategies among Middle Eastern immigrants in Sweden
forthcoming as "Name change and Destigmatization among Middle Eastern Immigrants in Sweden" in Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Moa Bursell

Being employed by a co-national: A cul-de-sac or a short cut to the main road of the labour market? (190 Kb)
Pernilla Andersson Joona and Eskil Wadensjö
a substantially revised version is accepted for publication in Journal of International Migration and Integration

Changes in Swedish Labour Immigration Policy: A Slight Revolution? (352 Kb)
Lucie Cerna

Families, neighborhoods, and the future: The transition to adulthood of children of native and immigrant origin in Sweden (248 Kb)
Martin Hällsten and Ryszard Szulkin

Intersections of immigrant status and gender in the Swedish entrepreneurial landscape (208 Kb)
Charlotta Hedberg

Assortative Mating by Ethnic Background and Education in Sweden (257 Kb) :
The Role of Parental Composition on Partner Choice, updated version entitled “Assortative Mating by Ethnic Background and Education among Individuals with an Immigrant Background in Sweden"
published in Zeitschift für Familienforschung (Journal of Family Research), Volume 1: 65-88.
Aycan Çelikaksoy, Lena Nekby and Saman Rashid

Children's First Names and Immigration Background in France (160 Kb)
Mahmood Arai, Damien Besancenot, Kim Huynh and Ali Skalli
fortcoming in International Migration

TIPping the Scales towards Greater Employment Chances? (266 Kb) (TIP) for Newly Arrived Immigrants based on Random Program Assignment,
updated version entitled “Intensive Coaching of New Immigrants: An Evaluation Based on Random Program Assignment”, forthcoming in The Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Pernilla Andersson Joona and Lena Nekby

TIPping the Scales towards Greater Employment Chances? Evaluation of a Trial Introduction Program (TIP) (236 Kb) - Mid Program Results.
Pernilla Andersson Joona and Lena Nekby

Can Multicultural Urban Schools in Sweden Survive Freedom of Choice Policy? (235 Kb) , updated version entitled  "The controlled school market and urban schools in Sweden" published in Journal of School Choice, 4:47-73.
Nihad Bunar

On Fragile Grounds: A replication of "Are Muslim immigrants different in terms of cultural integration?" Technical documentation (324 Kb) . See also the code file and the homepage for this replication study: On Fragile Grounds
Mahmood Arai, Jonas Karlsson and Michael Lundholm

On Fragile Grounds: A replication of "Are Muslim immigrants different in terms of cultural integration?" (211 Kb)
Mahmood Arai, Jonas Karlsson and Michael Lundholm
published in Journal of the European Economic Association

Working Papers 2008:

Do Attitudes Towards Immigrants Matter? (452 Kb)
Gisela Waisman and Birthe Larsen

Who is Hurt by Discrimination? (276 Kb)
Gisela Waisman and Birth Larsen

Urban Schools in Sweden - Between Social Predicaments, the Power of Stigma and Relational Dilemmas (231 Kb) , updated version entitled "Multicultural urban schools in Sweden and their communities - Social predicaments, the power of stigma and relational dilemmas" forthcoming in Urban Education.
Nihad Bunar

Between Meritocracy and Ethnic Discrimination: The Gender Difference (199 Kb)
Mahmood Arai, Moa Bursell and Lena Nekby

Entrance, Exit and Exclusion: Labour Market Flows of Foreign Born Adults in Swedish "Divided Cities" (659 Kb) , forthcoming in Urban Studies.
Charlotta Hedberg

Working Papers 2007:

Ethnic Environment during Childhood and the Educational Attainment of Immigrant Children in Sweden (263 Kb) , forthcoming Social Forces
Magnus Bygren and Ryszard Szulkin

What's in a name? A field experiment test for the existence of ethnic discrimination in the hiring process (240 Kb)
Moa Bursell

Acculturation Identity and Educational Attainment (253 Kb) , updated version entitled "Acculturation Identity and Higher Education. Is There a Trade-off between Ethnic Identity and Education?" published in International Migration Review.
Lena Nekby, Magnus Rödin and Gülay Özcan

Assimilation in Sweden: Wages, Employment and Work Income (304 Kb)
Per Lundborg

Acculturation Identity and Labor Market Outcomes (253 Kb) , updated version entitled "Acculturation Identity and Employment among Second and Middle Generation Immigrants" published in Journal of Economic Psychology.
Lena Nekby and Magnus Rödin

Do Domestic Educations Even Out the Playing Field? Ethnic Labor Market Gaps in Sweden (250 Kb) , published Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies.
Lena Nekby, Roger Vilhelmsson and Gülay Özcan

Ethnic Segregation and Educational Outcomes in Swedish Comprehensive Schools (186 Kb)
Ryszard Szulkin and Jan O. Jonsson

Giving Up Foreign Names: An Empirical Examination of Surname Change and Earnings (257 Kb) , published, Journal of Labor Economics.
Mahmood Arai and Peter Skogman Thoursie