The research project is implemented at the Royal Collage of music in Stockholm and focuses an investigation carried out in Botkyrka south of Stockholm (Hugardt & Pemsel, 2011). The study was designed to investigate and promote music education in schools by using the cultural space where children live their lives. This is analysed in accordance with modern socio-cultural theories.

Texten är ett konferenspaper på engelska (under arbete) som bygger på en projektrapport skriven 2011 på KMH, och den ppt-presentation som gjordes i maj 2014 på konferens i Nicosia, Cypern. Konferensen anordnades av European Association for Music Education in Schools (EAS) med tema Every learner Counts, Democracy and inclusion in music education in the 21 st century.

Läsare och diskutant: Ketil Thorgersen.

För information och textdistribution kontakta Maria Pemsel: