Maria Olson lägger fram texten:

Religious Education Teachers’ Conceptions Of ”Religion” And Its Implications For Democratic Citizenship

This article presents an empirical study of Swedish comprehensive religious education teachers’ presentations of “religion”. The purpose of the paper is twofold: to scrutinise the depictions of “religion” that stand out in these presentations and to discuss them in terms of the implications they have for citizenship. Three characteristics emerge as central in the religious education teachers’ depictions of “religion”. First, religion is mainly individual or private, second, it denotes ethical guidance and third, it relates to socio-cultural systems for thinking. Taken together, these three depictions address religion as being private, cognitive and cultural, and, we argue, constitute a specific relationship between religion, religious education and liberal democratic citizenship. This relationship is characterised by two main conditions: ethics as a gatekeeper for religious education in public education in a liberal democracy; and the non-public sphere as the main arena for religion and religious education in school and society. In connecting religious education teachers’ notions of religion with democratic citizenship, the overall purpose is revealed; to address and discuss the assignment of religious education as well as its teachers to see to young people’s democratic citizenship in school.

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Författare: Johan Liljestrand, lektor i pedagogik, Högskolan i Gävle, och Maria Olson, docent i pedagogik/lektor i ämnesdidaktik, CeHum, Stockholms universitet

Diskutanter: Kirsten Grönlien Zetterqvist, lektor i pedagogik, CeHum, Stockholms universitet, och Björn Falkevall, lektor i ämnesdidaktik, CeHum, Stockholms universitet


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