
Here you find contact information for us working at CeUL. Feel free to contact us!


CeUL office

Deputy director
Administration and inquiries
Administration and enquiries

Course leaders

Meet Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching 's course leaders. We have a genuine interest in teaching and learning. Welcome to our courses in higher education pedagogy.


CeUL Board

Karin Christoffersson, secretary
Phone: 08-16 4093

Clas Hättestrand, Chairperson
Phone: 08-16 2260


Address and delivery details

Postal adress
Department of Education
Stockholm University
106 91 Stockholm

Visiting adress
Frescativägen 54, Frescati, Stockholm

Invoices, payments and e-commerce
Stockholm University uses Raindance from CGI as e-commerce system (order / subscription and invoice) and the system supports the standards recommended by SFTI.

For information in English regarding invoices, payments and e-commerce please see

Supplier Invoices.

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