
Day-to-day operations, encompassing competence development and diverse forms of pedagogical development projects, are overseen by a director. Decisions of a long-term, substantive, and strategic nature are within the purview of CeUL's board. CeUL, in matters of principled operational strategy and budgetary concerns, directly reports to the president. The president, following deliberation in the Interdisciplinary Council, renders decisions.


CeUL's Office

CeUL's office is administratively located at the Department of Education. The office is engaged in the administrative coordination of courses and other competence development activities, pedagogical development projects, the pedagogical prize for The Award for Good Teaching, as well as communication and financial management.

Affiliated with the center are teaching faculty and researchers primarily from the four departments: the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), the Department of Teaching and Learning (IÄD), the Department of Education (IPD), and the Department of Law.


CeUL's board

The primary task of CeUL's board is to coordinate and further advance higher education pedagogical activities within the university.

The board's responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring that CeUL provides training programs offering professional development for university teachers and doctoral candidates in teaching and learning at the university level.
  • Ensuring that the training programs offered within CeUL meet the requirements of the Employment Regulations at Stockholm University.
  • Ensuring that the training programs offered are based on established research findings and proven experience in pedagogy and subject didactics at the university level.
  • Taking responsibility for offering support to the departments in their quality development of teaching.
  • Participating in the preparation of the pedagogical prize.
  • Being responsible for preparing the budget for CeUL and, after consultation with the head of the Department of Education (IPD), submitting proposals to the president.
  • Deciding on the internal organization of CeUL after consultation with the head of the Department of Education (IPD).

Composition of the board

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