Teaching in English — strategies when teaching in a non-native language


Date: Tuesday 10 September 2024

Time: 09.00 – 12.00

Location: IPD, Department of Education, Frescativägen 54. Room 2503

This workshop has been designed for non-native English speaking university teachers who teach (or plan to teach) their subject matter in English. The aim is to help participants reflect on their own teaching strategies with respect to the teaching language and how these relate to student learning.

This workshop is aimed for non-native English speaking teachers at Stockholm University.


About the workshop

During the workshop participants will contemplate research findings, and discuss issues relevant to the role of language in the teaching and learning in their disciplines with other university teachers. An overview of research in the field will be given and general research-based advice for teaching in English at university will be provided. Before the workshop participants are asked to complete an English language self-evaluation form.

Workshop leader is Joe Siegel, Professor at the Department of English with a focus on teacher education. The workshop is held in English.


Preparations and litterature     

Some readings and a small assignment is sent out by the workshop leader about a week before the workshop.



The workshop is aimed at all teaching staff and educational managers, regardless of subject affiliation, at Stockholm University. Participation is free of charge. Book your place in good time, as places are limited. First come, first served is applied.

Register here

Organizer is the Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching (CeUL). CeUL offers workshops on a variety of teaching and learning topics with the aim to support and stimulate engaging and high-quality teaching at all levels at Stockholm University.

The workshop offers an opportunity to explore and develop academic teaching skills that falls under category 2. Role model and mentor. The workshop offers tools and ideas for a professional approach to teaching.

Learn more about The 8 dimensions Academic teachership