Stockholm university

Text Mining Art History Dataset for the Research Project Metadata Culture

A Text Mining Art History Dataset produced by Amanda Wasielewski within this research project. The research for this dataset was conducted within the project Sharing the Visual Heritageat The Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University, funded by the Swedish Research Council (No 2018-06057).

Dataset Summary/Readme

Computational methods such as text mining have become increasingly popular in the humanities over the last ten years, and art history is no exception. The aim of this study was to apply one digital humanities (DH) method—text mining—to a representative selection of art history literature in order to understand historiographic trends in the field today. Three sets of journal articles published over the last decade were compiled: (1) articles published in Art History (2) articles published in Art Journal and (3) articles associated with the sub-field of digital art history (DAH) published in the International Journal of Digital Art History and Visual Resources. The text mining operations performed were designed to extract lists of most frequently appearing words in the body text of each sample set as well as lists of which authors were most frequently cited in the footnotes and bibliography of articles.

This dataset is created by Amanda Wasielewski, postdoctoral fellow in art history and participant in the research project Metadata Culture.

Data Report Text Mining Art History 2019-2020 (218 Kb)

Venn Diagrams summary (309 Kb)


Top Words/Authors lists

1a bodytext total frequency (117 Kb)

1b bodytext frequency out of articles (147 Kb)

2b bibliography frequency out of articles (77 Kb)

Top Authors in Bibliographies

AH bib top 35 (0 Kb)

AJ bib top 35 (0 Kb)

DAH bib top 35 (0 Kb)

Top Words in Body Text

AH top 100 1a (0 Kb)

AH top 100 1b (0 Kb)

AJ top 100 1a (0 Kb)

AJ top 100 1b (0 Kb)

DAH top 100 1a (0 Kb)

DAH top 100 1b (0 Kb)

Results CSVs

1a Art History RAW (1114 Kb)

1a Art History stopwords_en_custom1-stemmed (799 Kb)

1a Art History stopwords (1113 Kb)

1a Art Journal RAW (698 Kb)

1a Art Journal stopwords en_custom1-stemmed (590 Kb)

1a Art Journal stopwords en (697 Kb)

1a DAH-RAW (223 Kb)

1a DAH stopwords en-custom1-stemmed (131 Kb)

1a DAH stopwords_en (222 Kb)

1b Art History RAW (4857 Kb)

1b Art History stopwords_en_custom1-stemmed (736 Kb)

1b Art History stopwords_en (4856 Kb)

1b Art Journal RAW (4664 Kb)

1b Art Journal stopwords_en-custom1-stemmed (4402 Kb)

1b Art Journal stopwords_en (4663 Kb)

1b DAH RAW (4247 Kb)

1b DAH stopwords_en-custom1-stemmed (139 Kb)

1b DAH stopwords (4246 Kb)

2b Art History stopwords_en (862 Kb)

2b Art Journal stopwords_en (625 Kb)

2b DAH stopwords_en (4164 Kb)

Sample bibliographies

Art History Sample bibliography (259 Kb)

Art Journal Sample bibliography (160 Kb)

DAHVR sample bibliography (133 Kb)

Venn Diagram Components

Venn Diagram 1a

1a (239 Kb)

1a overlaps all (0 Kb)

1a overlaps ah aj (0 Kb)

1a overlaps ah dah (0 Kb)

1a overlaps aj dah (0 Kb)

1a unique ah (0 Kb)

1a unique aj (0 Kb)

1a unique dah (0 Kb)

Venn Diagram 1b

1b (236 Kb)

1b overlaps all (0 Kb)

1b overlaps ah aj (0 Kb)

1b overlaps ah dah (0 Kb)

1b overlaps aj dah (0 Kb)

1b unique ah (0 Kb)

1b unique aj (0 Kb)

Venn Diagram 2b

2b (120 Kb)

2b overlaps bib all (0 Kb)

2b overlaps bib ah aj (0 Kb)

2b overlaps bib ah dah (0 Kb)

2b overlaps bib aj dah (0 Kb)

2b unique bib ah (0 Kb)

2b unique bib aj (0 Kb)

2b unique bib dah (0 Kb)

Custom word list

Custom word list (19 Kb)