Stockholm university

History of Ideas at Stockholm University is a subject situated at the crossroads of several research fields in the humanities. However, our research is rooted in an interest in historicization. We explore ideas, discourses, expressions or experiences in the past, which must be understood on their own historical terms. We open phenomena taken for granted, e.g. time, health, political ideologies, human-animal relations, ethnicity, media or public culture, to historical scrutiny and understanding. The study of the history of ideas excavates mental or material structures of thought and action that may have become invisible but are nevertheless active. Therefore, historicization, for us, can also mean a history of the present – tracing the roots and sources of contemporary beliefs in order to raise critical questions about the present. We investigate the past, sometimes in terms of its otherness from the present, sometimes as a vector to understanding how it speaks to us.

Historians of Ideas in Stockholm conduct research in several thematic fields: History of political ideas; History of philosophy; Cultural history; Media history; History of knowledge and Environmental history and Human-animal studies within the field of Environmental Humanities.

Methodologically, many of our scholars are concerned with discursive and meaning-making material. We share, in various ways, the analytical humanistic impulse that words, language, images and symbols intervene in and move the world. While texts are central, many scholars are also interested in materiality beyond language: places, clinics, clothes or animals.

An Idea can change your life
On this page

Cultural History

Caspar_David_Friedrich_Chalk_Cliffs_on_Rügen. Kunst Museum Winterthur Wikimedia Commons

Environmental Humanities

Varg. Foto Federico Di. Dio-photography. Unsplash

History of Knowledge

Bok från Universitetsbibliotekets äldre samling. Petrus Apianus, Astronomicum Caesareum, Ingolstad

History of Philosophy

Plato_Silanion_Musei_Capitolini_Foto. Marie-Lan Nguyen Wikimedia Commons

History of Political Ideas

Allmän rösträtt

Media History

Tryckpress för offsettryck. Foto: Julo. Wikimedia Commons.