Stockholm university

Human activities contribute to a higher pollution load in the sea. Researchers at the Baltic Sea Science Centre study the transportation of different types of pollution, such as nutrients or hazardous substances, from land to sea.

Using modelling, we combine and process data from several research areas, to get a large scale view over the amounts of coal, nutrients and hazardous substances from point and nonpoint pollutios sources in the Baltic Sea catchment area, that reaches the sea. We also examine processes that leads to the release of nutrients and hazardous substances stored in the catchment area and the seabed. – What makes the storages stay stored or become released and what factors effects the flow to the coastal waters. Studies that estimate the transport of different substances are also important for the ability to assess their effects in the coastal areas and in the open sea.

We are also conducting studies that examines different management processess that are aimed at emissions of coal, nutrients and hazardous substances. We identify measures that needs to be taken and knowledge gaps that hinder the development of measures. This information is needed  at all levels of decision making in the Baltic Sea area.

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Marine Science
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The research on the Baltic Sea Catchment is conducted at the Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre and the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences.

Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences