Stockholm university

Research on the open sea focuses on how the large-scale ecosystem dynamics of the Baltic Sea are changed by human impacts. Issues include eutrophication, fisheries and how environmental toxins are transported and dispersed in the sea.

The research is mainly carried out through marine modelling and analysis of existing data from various environmental monitoring programmes. An important aim is to support decisions in environmental issues and management processes.

The models link circulation patterns and nutrient cycling in all levels of the Baltic Sea food webs and ecosystems. The models allow scientists to create different scenarios for how the Baltic Sea changes depending on, for example, how fisheries are conducted, how the climate changes or how agriculture in the catchment area develops.

Related research subject

Marine Science
Satellitbild över Östersjön med algblomning sydost om Gotland och Öland
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The research on the Baltic Sea Catchment is conducted at the Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre and the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences.

Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences