Stockholm university

There is a long and vibrant tradition of research on the political dimension of media and communication at JMK, and it is characterized by diversity in scope and approach.

The impact of digitalization, and the transformed relationship between political actors, legacy media and the public, are at the heart of our work on political communication. It explores alternative media, politicized news formats, the mediation of protests, political activism and social movements, and focuses in particular on such topics as populism, racism, nationalism, migration and the climate crisis. This interdisciplinary research is pursued using automated methods, digital network and content analysis, as well as established qualitative approaches. The results contribute to discussions within the field and beyond the university on issues such as democracy, power, citizenship, participation, affective publics and political debate in the digital age.

Related research subject

Media and Communication Studies
On this page


Erik Björklund


Department of Media Studies

Miyase Christensen


Department of Media Studies

Magnus Danielson

Associate Professor

Department of Media Studies
John Magnus Danielson

Mattias Ekman

Associate Professor

Department of Media Studies

Ekaterina Kalinina

Associate Professor

Department of Media Studies

Anna Nordström


Department of Media Studies
Anna Nordström Foto: Privat

Alexa Robertson


Department of Media Studies
Alexa Robertson Foto: Privat

Anna Roosvall


Department of Media Studies
Anna Roosvall foto: Svante Emanuelli

Christian Schwieter


Department of Media Studies

Andreas Widholm

Associate Professor

Department of Media Studies
Andreas Widholm

Research projects

Departments and centres

Research within the subject of Media and Communication Studies is conducted at the Section for JMK, Department of Media Studies.