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Metamorphic Petrology

The course covers 1) classification and identification of metamorphic rocks, 2)genesis of metamorphic rocks, 3) deformation, 4) chemical transport in metamorphic systems, and 5) how metamorphic petrology can be used as a tool to further our understanding of plate tectonic processes.

Microscopic view of minerals

For more information see the course webpage at:

  • Course structure

    The course is to a 100% a distant learning course. You may start anytime and follow the course in your own pace. No specific schedule is therefore provided.


    Is based on a written/oral assessment at the end of the course. Assessment criteria are:

    A = Excellent
    B = Very good
    C = Good
    D = Satisfactory
    E = Sufficient
    Fx = Insufficient
    F = Entirely insufficient

    The assessment criteria will be outlined at the start of the course. To pass the course, a minimum grade E is necessary.

  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.

    C. Klein and A. Philpotts, 2016
    Earth Materials: Introduction to Mineralogy and Petrology 2ed
    Cambridge University Press
    ISBN: 9781316608852

  • Course reports

    Course evaluations allow the possibility to affect and take responsibility for your own learning and gives important information for our work with pedagogical development.

    It's important that all students complete the course evaluations after each course, it gives the Department the opportunity to improve the courses' quality.

    The course evaluation is composed of a number of questions and specific questions for each course. If you, as a student, want to contribute with more course specific questions you may send them to

    If you haven't received the course evaluation for your finished course, or if you have other questions regarding course evaluations at IGV please contact

    Course evaluation = student's review of the course
    Course report = course leader's reflections about the review

  • Contact