• Shelves in the storage cabinets should have a raised edge to prevent, for example, a bottle from sliding off the shelf and falling down when bumped into. The bottom shelf/cabinet floor should have a higher edge/embankment.
  • Corrosives should not be stored above eye level.
  • Ethers and other peroxide-forming substances should be stored in tightly sealed containers in a dark and cool place.
  • Refrigerators and freezers that are used to store chemicals that may form flammable vapours should be built especially for this purpose.
  • Chemicals and similar substances may not be stored in refrigerators or freezers intended for food storage.
  • Proper ventilation is required when storing flammable liquids indoors
  • Each fire cell may normally contain a maximum of 50 litres of flammable liquid and 5 litres of flammable gas.
  • Flammable liquids should be stored in an embanked area to prevent uncontrolled spillage.