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 PLATINA seminars: These are organized as discussion seminars that cover ongoing research, conferences, and recently published books and articles of relevance to researchers involved in the network. The seminars are held on a regular basis at the Geoscience’s buildings, Stockholm University, and speakers are researchers directly involved in the network, as well as researchers invited from other departments and universities. Four scientific workshops have been arranged by PLATINA since 2001, two of them in cooperation with research partners in eastern and southern Africa (click on the links below to access more detailed information). Information about activities arranged by, and of interest to, researchers involved in the PLATINA network is distributed via email (Sign up).


Spring 2013:


27th May 2013. 10:15 - 16:00 room X308

African and Global Landscape history: Stockholm- Uppsala synergies

Paul Lane has recently been appointed to a chair in Global Archaeology at Uppsala University. He has since long cooperated with Stockholm geographers in the network People and Land and Time in Africa and has successfully completed a large interdisciplinary project on Historical Ecologies of East African Landscapes. We welcome him to Sweden and take this opportunity to discuss how Stockholm-Uppsala links in the field of African and Global landscape history

28th May 10:15 X308

Martina Angela Caretta halftime seminar: Negotiating irrigated landscape. A local gender contract analysis of two small holder farming communities in the dry-land of East Africa
The opponent is Anna-Klara Lindeborg from the Dept. of Social and Economic Geography at Uppsala University


 19th March 12pm X308

Landesque capital - -what is the concept good for?
Mats Widgren ( and Lowe Börjeson?) present their work with an international book on landesque capital

20th March 10am X308

PLATINA at Human Geography

Ppts by Lowe Börjeson, Martina Angela Caretta & Tola Gemechu

Latest Publications

Conference presentations given by Mats Widgren, Lowe Börjeson, Martina Angela Caretta and Tola Gemechu at IGC Köln 2012.

Spring 2012: PLATINA Doktorand dag. A day for PhDs students and supervisors undertaking research in Africa to present and discuss their works. 
Older Activities
Workshop at Marholmen, Sweden, 2001
Workshop in cooperation with CEMUS on African Environmental History 2004
Workshop in Futululu, South Africa, 2004
Regional Focus And Global Margin: Lake Tanganyika From C. 1700 AD To The Present (Bordeaux sept 2006)  Mats Widgren participated in this ESF workshop and presented preliminary results from the project "Northeastern Tanzania 1850-2000;: The political ecology of trade networks, food production and land cover change."
African environmental history - an international workshop on future research cooperation  April 25-26th 2007. This workshop, organised by Platina and hosted by The Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, marked the end of the six year economic support from SIDA to Platina and was aimed at promoting new international networks in landscape and environmental history in Africa. 26 participants from Finland, Germany, Kenya, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Uganda, USA and United Kingdom commented on Platina findings and presented ongoing and future research projects. 

On March 17th 2008 Elin Norström defended her thesis Late Quaternary climate and environmental change in the summer  rainfall region of South Africa: A study using trees and wetland deposits as natural archives. Opponent: Professor Michael Meadows, Department of Environmental and Geographical Science,  University of Cape Town 



27th May 2013. 10:15 - 16:00 room X308

African and Global Landscape history: Stockholm- Uppsala synergies

Paul Lane has recently been appointed to a chair in Global Archaeology at Uppsala University. He has since long cooperated with Stockholm geographers in the network People and Land and Time in Africa and has successfully completed a large interdisciplinary project on Historical Ecologies of East African Landscapes. We welcome him to Sweden and take this opportunity to discuss how Stockholm-Uppsala links in the field of African and Global landscape history can be strengthened.

28th May 10:15 X308

Martina Angela Caretta halftime seminar: Negotiating irrigated landscape. A local gender contract analysis of two small holder farming communities in the dry-land of East Africa
The opponent is Anna-Klara Lindeborg from the Dept. of Social and Economic Geography at Uppsala University

Two themed session at the 2014 Global Land Project Open Science meeting Deadline for abstracts submission 30th June 2013