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 Lowe Börjeson, Martina Angela Caretta  and Lars-Ove Westerberg: Current expansion and past dynamics of small-holder irrigation farming in African dry-lands – measuring landscape, labour and climate interactions. Funded by Sida (2010-2012).

Kristoffer HylanderTola Gemechu AngoLowe BörjesonPeter Kinlund and many more: Examining mismatches between management and the supply of ecosystem services in Ethiopian agro-ecosystems across scales in space and time. Funded by Sida and Formas (2010-2012).   
Lowe BörjesonYusuph Katundu and Regina Lindborg:  Economic and Ecological Impacts of Resource Governance in the Kilombero wetland ecosystem, Tanzania. 
Line GordonOlivia PuillLowe Börjeson and many more: Adapting to changing climate in drylands: the re-greening in Sahel as a potential success case. (SIDA 2010 -) 
Lars-Ove Westerberg, Simon Mwansasu: Factors affecting mangroves of the Rufiji Delta and impact on the livelihood of surrounding communities. (Sida 2010) 
Lars-Ove WesterbergElidio Massuanganhe: Modeling sustainability of the Mozambican coastal zone- geomorphology and environmental changes. (Sida 2011)
Jan RisbergSandra Sitoe: Reconstructing flooding history in the Limpopo River flood-plain based on multi-proxy analyses of sediments in the Limpopo River flood-plain area, Mozambique. (Sida 2011)
Alex Schoeman & Mats Widgren: exploring precolonial agriculture and intensification: the case of Bokoni, South Africa. (Swedish Research Links 2010-2012)
Karin HolmgrenHanna Sundqvist and Qiong Zhang: Holocene climate variability in southern Africa. Confronting climate proxy data, especially from speleothems, with isotope- and climate modelling (VR 2010-12)
Elikana Kalumanga, Sara Cousins and Steve Lyon : Environment and Natural Resource Management in Wetlands and Lake Basins in Tanzania : Spatial-temporal utilization of habitats by elephants in Ugalla Ecosystem, Western Tanzania (SIDA, 2009-13)
Lowe Börjeson: Incremental change in farmer managed tropical landscapes – local practices and theoretical implications (FORMAS 2009-2012)
Elin Norström: Past climate variability and environmental change in southern Mozambinque. (SIDA 2010 -)



27th May 2013. 10:15 - 16:00 room X308

African and Global Landscape history: Stockholm- Uppsala synergies

Paul Lane has recently been appointed to a chair in Global Archaeology at Uppsala University. He has since long cooperated with Stockholm geographers in the network People and Land and Time in Africa and has successfully completed a large interdisciplinary project on Historical Ecologies of East African Landscapes. We welcome him to Sweden and take this opportunity to discuss how Stockholm-Uppsala links in the field of African and Global landscape history can be strengthened.

28th May 10:15 X308

Martina Angela Caretta halftime seminar: Negotiating irrigated landscape. A local gender contract analysis of two small holder farming communities in the dry-land of East Africa
The opponent is Anna-Klara Lindeborg from the Dept. of Social and Economic Geography at Uppsala University

Two themed session at the 2014 Global Land Project Open Science meeting Deadline for abstracts submission 30th June 2013