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 Karin Holmgren: Regional and temporal patterns in climate, southern and eastern Africa, (VR 2007-09)

Karin Holmgren participates in: Urban Mind. Physical and societal factors behind urbanisation processes in Eastern Mediterranean-Middle East (MISTRA 2009-10)
Sea level rise, flood legends and Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Mocambique (SIDA, 2007-09)
Annika Dahlberg: Bridging the gap between rhetoric and practice in integrated conservation and development efforts. Experiences from South Africa. (SIDA 2009)
Mats Widgren; Mapping global agricultural history (SIDA 2009)
Karin Holmgren: Africa’s climate and the survival of communities – Eastern Africa during the 18th and 19th centuries. (SIDA 2009)
Line Gordon (co-appl: Lowe Börjeson): Human dimensions behind the greening in Sahel: A comparative study of social-ecological dynamics in greened and non-greened communities in Niger (SIDA 2009)
Lowe Börjeson: Historical land-cover GIS (Tanzania) – recent rapid changes and historical trajectories 1850 to 2000 (SIDA 2009)
Maria Ryner: Understanding the spatial and temporal variability of climate in northern Tanzania during the last 1000 years (SIDA 2009)
CREATING.  -- FP7-funded project led by Bernard Charlery in Toulouse aiming at supporting infrastructure for research in the east African countries. Two of the four themes are closely related to PLATINA: Environmental and climate change (led by David Taylor, Trinity College Dublin) and Resource management and livelihood sustainability (led by Mats Widgren, Stockholm University)
Mats Widgren: Landscape history in a global context
Peter Kinlund: Land, Leaves and Livelihood: The political ecology of Khat production in South Central Ethiopia
Helan Öberg, Lars Over Westerberg: Environmental change in northern Tanzania 
during the past 1 000 years 
Mats Widgren: Islands of agricultural intensification in East Africa: The social, ecological and historical contexts
Karin Holmgren: Regional and temporal patterns in climate 
Maria Ryner, Karin Holmgren: Reconstruction of past climates in Tanzania
K. Lundblad, Karin Holmgren: Climate variability in the tropics 
Elin Norstöm, Karin Holmgren: Reconstruction of South African palaeoclimate and vegetation through analyses of trees and pollen 
Camilla Årlin, Mats Widgren: The savanna as a cultural landscape: land use history of East African “wilderness” areas 
Mats Widgren, Lowe Börjeson, Thomas Håkansson: Northeast Tanzania 1850-2000: The political ecology of trade networks, food production and land cover change 
G. Dessie, Carl Christiansson: Land Cover and Land Use dynamics in Southern Ethiopia, the case of Awassa watershed 
P. Klintenberg, Carl Christiansson:  More Water, Less Grass? Assessment of resource degradation and stakeholders' perceptions of environmental change in Ombuga grasslands, northern Namibia
K. Reuterswärd, Annika Dahlberg, Mats Widgren: People and forests: Social and ecological dynamics within and between forest reserves and local communities in the West Usambara Mountains, Northeastern Tanzania 
Annika Dahlberg: The Mkuze Wetlands: Facing the dilemma of conserving biodiversity and sustaining rural livelihoods 
Lars Ove Westerberg, Karin Holmgren: The role of climate-environmental change, in relation to socio-economic factors, in the rise and fall of Engaruka fossil land use system, Tanzania 
Wille Östberg: Agrobiodiversity and drastic change - What insights can anthropology offer?



27th May 2013. 10:15 - 16:00 room X308

African and Global Landscape history: Stockholm- Uppsala synergies

Paul Lane has recently been appointed to a chair in Global Archaeology at Uppsala University. He has since long cooperated with Stockholm geographers in the network People and Land and Time in Africa and has successfully completed a large interdisciplinary project on Historical Ecologies of East African Landscapes. We welcome him to Sweden and take this opportunity to discuss how Stockholm-Uppsala links in the field of African and Global landscape history can be strengthened.

28th May 10:15 X308

Martina Angela Caretta halftime seminar: Negotiating irrigated landscape. A local gender contract analysis of two small holder farming communities in the dry-land of East Africa
The opponent is Anna-Klara Lindeborg from the Dept. of Social and Economic Geography at Uppsala University

Two themed session at the 2014 Global Land Project Open Science meeting Deadline for abstracts submission 30th June 2013