If you have any questions please don´t hesitate to email: medarbetarundersokning@su.se.

General information about the survey

  • When does the survey take place?
    The survey will take place between 23 October 2023 (at 08:00) and 12 November 2023 (at 23:59). On October 23, 2023, you will receive an e-mail with a personal link to the survey.
  • Who participates in the survey?
    All employees and employees who have funding (for example, PhD students with a scholarship) who are working on August 1, 2023, and are still working on November 14, 2023.
        Employees on full-time leave and full-time sick leave are excluded. Employees on full-time parental leave may be offered to answer the survey and can decide for themselves whether they want to answer the survey.
  • Is it mandatory to participate?
    Participation is voluntary, but we hope that everyone takes the opportunity to make their voice heard and to contribute to improvements in their work environment.
  • What languages will the employee survey be available in?
    The survey will be able to be answered in Swedish or English. The result will be available in both Swedish and English.
  • When and how will the results be presented?
    Stockholm University's results will be presented to the University's management and the chief safety representatives in early December 2023.
         The results for departments and administrative offices will be available to heads of department and heads of administrative offices on 1 December 2023.
         The results for departments/administrative offices will be presented by the HR Office from December 2023 to March 2024. The time for the presentation will be determined together with management at the department/administrative office.
  • When and how do we continue to work with the results?
    The results of the survey at level of department or administrative office will be analyzed and handled within the framework of the systematic work environment management. Departments and administrative offices will receive support from the HR Office in managing the results. Stockholm University's results will be analyzed and result in a report with proposals for measures, which will later be presented to the University Management.


  • When will I have access to answer the survey?
    During the morning of October 23, 2023, you will receive an e-mail with a personal link to the web-based survey.
  • How long does it take to answer the survey?
    It takes 10–15 minutes to complete the survey.
  • Do I have to answer all the questions?
    Yes. You need to answer all the questions to move forward in the survey.
  • I have started the survey but want to change my answers. How do I do it?
    If you have started the survey, but want to change the answer options, this is possible by clicking in the desired answer option on the question. The old answer option is then replaced with the newly elected one. Please note that the answers to a submitted survey cannot be exchanged.
  • If I have started answering the survey but have not finished, can I save my answers and continue at a later date?
    Yes. All your answers will be saved. You can close the survey (web page) and continue at another time by clicking on your link and you end up directly where you last answered.
  • Can I go back in the survey?
    Yes. Use the "Back" button at the bottom left side of the survey. Note that the previous answers are deleted to the questions that are clicked back and you have to answer them again. Once you have submitted your answers, it is no longer possible to click backwards, only the thank you page is displayed.
  • Can I see afterwards how I responded to the survey?
    No, that information cannot be accessed.
  • Can the manager get an overview of which employee/employees responded/did not respond to the survey?
    No, it is not possible to see who has responded to the survey, only what percentage of a group responded. In this way, a response rate is produced both at the group level and at aggregated levels.


  • I haven't received the survey.
    If you have not received a link to the survey by e-mail by 12:00 on 23 October 2023, please contact the HR Office by e-mail to medarbetarundersokning@su.se.
  • I have been reminded to answer the survey even though I have submitted my answer.
    Click on the link and make sure that the survey is submitted. If your response is submitted, please contact Quicksearch via  support@quicksearch.se or telephone 035-100 330.
  • The link doesn't work.
    Your link is unique. You can therefore not forward the link or answer the survey by, for example, clicking on a colleague's link. You can close the survey and then again click on the link where your answers are saved, but as soon as you click "send", the link is used up. If you have problems with your link, please contact Quicksearch via  support@quicksearch.se or telephone 035-100 330.
  • Why does the employee survey email end up in my spam folder?
    It may have to do with what email settings you have. Our IT Office has made adjustments to avoid the e-mails ending up in the wrong inbox – but unfortunately it sometimes happens anyway. If you received an e-mail with a link to the questionnaire in your spam folder, you need to move the e-mail message to your inbox before you can answer the survey.


  • Can the answers be trusted to be anonymous?
    You always answer completely anonymously. Stockholm University collaborates with the company Quicksearch to conduct the employee survey. The supplier guarantees anonymity and confidentiality regarding the handling of the survey collection, results and feedback. Results will only be displayed for groups that have five answers or more.
        All survey responses are linked to a department/administrative office and it is possible to see how many people in a group responded to the survey. However, no one, either from Quicksearch or from Stockholm University, can see what any individual has answered.
         You can thus feel completely confident that you answer anonymously. The results are intended to be used as a basis for prioritization in future improvement work.
         In the survey, you also answer some background questions. These variables are never combined and are only reported in the form of statistics at the university level.
  • How can the survey be anonymous when it arrives via e-mail?
    The e-mail addresses are entered or imported in Quicksearch software. All addresses there get an indexed number. When the survey (dialogue) is sent out, it is done via the indexed numbers. This means that no one within your organization can see the connection between number and e-mail address, but it enables the database to check whether all sent surveys have received answers.
  • How can the survey be anonymous when I have received a reminder that I have not answered the survey?
    This is because the connection between an indexed number and e-mail address allows the provider's system to detect who has not completed or completed the survey, which generates the system to send out a reminder.
  • Information safety
    The databases that handle both mailings and results are behind secure firewalls and filters at Quicksearch. This means that Quicksearch can guarantee that no outsider has access to the information. All communication is encrypted. Quicksearch guarantees that no one within your organization can see if you have participated in the survey or not. Nor can any outsider get access to your specific answers.
