Information på svenska om Wallenbergsstiftelserna


The Wallenberg foundations

This applies for the following foundations:

Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW)

Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation (MMW) 

Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation (MAW)

Berit Wallenberg Foundation (BWS) (required only for larger research projects)

Internal calls and prioritization of applications

Before you start writing your application to any of the foundations above you must first discuss with the head of your department. When a call has been published on the foundation’s web site, the Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services makes a time frame for the internal application process at SU in consultation with the vice presidents. After that, we send out a call for “pre applications” to the heads of departments, and publish updated information and application forms on the SU staff web (for some calls the procedure with pre applications is not applied, see the table below for further info). 

The internal prioritization is made within the academic areas for Natural Sciences and Human Sciences respectively, where review panels appointed by the vice presidents read and prioritize among the pre-applications based on the criteria of the specific call. Prioritized applicants are then asked to write a full application. Support letters are provided when the application and the budget form have been approved. 


Foundation Type of grant Internal call   Pre application Full application Foundation’s deadline
KAW Research projects with high scientific potential June 2023 4 Sep 2023
30 Nov 2023
1 Feb 2024
  Wallenberg Academy Fellows (WAF) June 2024 18 oct 2024 17 jan 2024 15 Feb 2025
  WAF prolongation  Not applied, contact research officer      25 April 2024
  Program for mathematics June 2024 Not applied  1 Sep 2024 5 Oct 2024
  Wallenberg Scholars Jan 2023 15 Feb 2023 14 April 2023 12 May 2023
MMW  Project grants Oct 2023 19 Jan 2024 Not applied 1 April 2024
MAW Project grants  Oct 2023 19 Jan 2024 Not applied  1 April 2024
BWS Larger research projects Feb 2024 Not applied 6 May 2024 1 June 2024



If you have questions e-mail Research officer Sofia Irinarchos who is the university’s contact person for the Wallenberg foundations. For budget questions, contact financial officer Anne Stenberg.