Crafting and publishing impactful papers in respected journals (doctoral course, 7,5 ECTS credits)

The purpose of this course is to provide PhD students with hands-on training and guidance on how to craft and publish impactful papers in internationally respected journals. The course goes beyond traditional methodology courses by focusing on PhD students’ practical crafting and publishing skills.

Specific advice concerning various phases of paper writing/publishing processes is highlighted in detail. Real-life cases are discussed and learned from the different perspectives of authors, supervisors, peer-reviewers and journal editors. The course aims to capture the new trend of academic publishing that moves from number to both number and impact.

Course start: November 20, 2024

Syllabus Crafting and Publishing Papers HT24-VT25 (342 Kb)

Course content

The course consists of the following main components:

1.    Review of various approaches to impactful papers publishing.
2.    Analysis of drivers behind High-quality and high-impact papers.
3.    Design and craft a single-authored paper (research note) with a high ambition level.

Teaching and learning activities

The course takes the hybrid (online/offline) form of teaching and learning. It consists of lectures, seminars, individual and group exercises, presentations, and written assignments. Apart from the teaching by course leaders (Tony Fang and Fredrik Tell), several other researchers will be invited to teach in this course. The course language is English.

Organization and Schedule

The course gives 7,5 ECTS credits. The course consists of the following seven sessions with the lectures and seminars spanning six months (autumn 2024 – spring 2025). The first two occurences (November 20 and December 10, 2024) are hybrid sessions that take place synchronously online as well as offline at the Stockholm Business School (Albano campus in Stockholm University), whereas all other sessions are held in zoom.

For the preliminary schedule, see the Syllabus (attachment in pdf format).
Contact and registration

Course directors:

To register for the course, please contact the doctoral programme coordinator at SBS: Helene Olofsson,

Registration for the course must be made no later than September 30, 2024.

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