About the centre

The International Meteorological Institute in Stockholm (IMI) conducts research in meteorology and associated fields, and promotes international scientific co-operation within meteorology. A central function of IMI is to provide opportunities for foreign scientists to work and interact in Sweden. IMI also publishes the scientific journals Tellus A and Tellus B.

Carl-Gustaf Rossby. Photo: MISU archives/Stockholm University
Carl-Gustaf Rossby. Photo: MISU archives/Stockholm University

The International Meteorological Institute in Stockholm (IMI) was created in 1955 by a decision of the Swedish Parliament with the objective to conduct research in meteorology and associated fields and to promote international scientific co-operation within meteorology. This decision was a result of initiatives taken by professor Carl-Gustaf Rossby, eight years after founding the Department of Meteorology. Today, while remaining an independent institute, IMI works as an integral part of the Department of Meteorology at the Faculty of Sciences at Stockholm University.

IMI is governed by a Board and a Director.  The Board and the Director are appointed by the President of Stockholm University.


IMI’s most important function is to maintain lively international collaborations.

IMI organizes a visiting programme that provides opportunities for foreign scientists to work in Sweden for varying periods of time, in close collaboration with Swedish colleagues. IMI also supports workshops in Sweden with a focus on developing new research ideas in meteorology and related fields.


IMI also publishes the scientific journals

  • Tellus A with focus on Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, and
  • Tellus B with focus on Chemical and Physical Meteorology.

IMI Board



Per Holmlund, Stockholm University

Member, representing SMHI

Susanna Hagelin, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)


Caroline Leck, Stockholm University


Fabien Roquet, University of Gothenburg

Member, representing the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Anna Rutgersson, Uppsala University


Michael Tjernström, Stockholm University

Statutes (in Swedish)



IMI Director
IMI Deputy Director
IMI Administrator
IMI Secretary
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