
The education in biology does not take place in isolation from the outside world. Our courses include study visits and guest lectures and our students can do both traineeships and external degree projects. The reverse is also true, both our teachers and students visit schools and we receive students who want to get an insight into our work.

Below you can read about common ways to collaborate with us.

NOTE! During the pandemic, all activities take place online.


We are proud of our alumni and hope that you choose to stay in touch, wherever life takes you after your studies. Feel free to tell us where you end up and how your education has helped you get there.

As an alumnus, you have the right to receive help from our study and career counsellors, access to a network of knowledgeable biologists who are active in various fields, and access to our seminars on the latest research in biology.

Our current students really appreciate hearing from you. Biologists in Society 7.5 credits and Biologists in Working Life 5 credits are two courses where alumni and other representatives from society and working life are invited to talk about their particular area. Both courses aim to connect the education with working life, by meeting people outside of the academy, the students' views are broadened and they become better equipped for entering the labor market.

It is gratifying that many of our alumni want to volunteer as mentors for our master's students. Stockholm University has a mentoring program every academic year, in which BIG participates.

Guest lecturers are invited to virtually all advanced courses, if you are interested in participating or receiving study visits, get in touch, see the contact information below.


Today's pupils are the students of the future and we hope to be able to function as a resource and source of inspiration for both teachers and pupils! We currently have the following activities to offer. The activities can be arranged with a few weeks notice, send your request to X, see contact information below.

Study visit: Learning about life - how to become a biologist

Pupils are welcome on study visits to the Department of Biology Education (BIG) where a class, for a total of 1.5-2 hours, receives a lecture on what biology is and what you study in biology, as well as a look at labs and the study collection so students get an idea about how to study to become a biologist. There will also be brief information about the biologist's labor market and various educational paths. Of course, this can be modified according to the wishes of the pupils/teachers.

Researchers visit your school

A researcher in a biological subject, e.g. microbiology or ecology, come to your school. During one lesson, they talks about their research, and a little about biology studies at university level.


We accept PRAO students for up to five working days. They can be involved in various parts of our work, both research, teaching and administration.


Are you interested in hiring our students or offering an traineeship/degree project? Stockholm University's previous career portal has been closed. For updated information and to take part in our new career portal to be launched in fall 2024.

Read more about the lauch of the new career portal



Alumni contact
Study counsellor for basic level
Study counsellor for advanced level
On this page